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trademark8806's Blog Blog Tools Rating: Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 06-14-2009 12:51 AM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 68
Comments: 185
Views: 244,542

In Miscellaneous What to lurn when you know not what to lurn.. Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #25 New 02-09-2010 05:40 PM
I have been sorra conplying in my last few blogs, for this I applogiz. I also owe a thankyou to thowse whom have offered there take on my sistiouations and shared info. I am not always good at rembering to show my thanks to people, thow I owe it to so many.
On, that note, I have a socal issuse , I have truble in general with knowing when to say goodby and when to just leacve , because others are bussy. If it were up to me I would always say by , but if there talking there is no real way to do so with out intupting. Likwise , you are to bow to your partners after class. While I would like to try to do this, I have onstly forgtoton to sometimes ( too tryered) and gottoen scooled. However, some of the people are freinds and also enjoy talking about diffent teques and I do not want to intrupt so , I offen do not say tankyou to them. I would like to know is what should I do? Say thankyou and intrupt or just not? Oh, and I can't watie becaue I have to go offen , and we have to clean the mats up.
Views: 1977 | Comments: 1

RSS Feed 1 Responses to "What to lurn when you know not what to lurn.."
#1 02-10-2010 07:21 PM
Linda Eskin Says:
I try to thank everyone, but if they are deep in conversation, or helping someone with a technique after class I don't interrupt them. If I can catch their eye I smile and bow, with my hands together, silently, to thank them. That works pretty well in many cases. For saying goodbye when I leave the dojo, I generally try to thank whoever was teaching the class, and say goodbye, but if they are busy I don't interrupt. In either case I bow toward the shomen as I go out the door.

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