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Trish Greene's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 10-21-2005 01:36 PM
Trish Greene
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 6
Comments: 3
Views: 32,734

In General Second Guessing Yourself Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #6 New 09-20-2008 12:36 AM
So tonight my wonderful Sensei did me a favor. He allowed me to test for 2nd kyu. This is a favor because I am going to miss the regular scheduled testing coming up at the end of September.

I would love to say that I aced it with no issues or mistakes but then I would be lying. The testing was a the end of class and I don't know if I was just tired but my brain was so scrambled I felt like I could not remember a thing. I second guessed all my moves. I would start the move correctly but in the middle of it my brain would turn on and I would stop and restart again. I didn't feel good through out the whole testing. I don't know if I was just succumbing under internal pressure because I knew that it was such a special thing that Sensei was doing for me by breaking protocal and allowing me to test early.

I don't know if I passed. Really.

Before testing he told me that he wouldn't have the certificates ready until the main testing date. After testing he didn't say anything to me that lead me to think that I passed. I had "too much mind" going on.

So for the next week I wait patiently for news.

And work on "no mind"
Views: 2318

In General Return to the Family Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #5 New 01-16-2008 04:46 PM
Monday night I visited my dojo for the first time in about 5 mos. I walked into what should have been familiar surroundings and was completely overwhelmed. The dojo had expanded, the class was huge, there were many new faces that I didn't recognize. I immediately felt like a stranger. That is until I heard my Sensei's voice from across the the dojo announce "The Prodigal daughter has returned!" and immediately was wrapped back into the warmth of my dojo family again. I came back to ask if I could continue lessons with him, I felt humbled and embarrassed when my old friends just smiled at me and welcomed me back.

Why did I leave? I don't know. Life got busy, family got demanding, I got frustrated, I got depressed, I hid from everyone.

So tonight I start my journey of learning again, hopefully with the intensity and peace that eluded me before.

As Mikey reminded me on Monday night:

"Clear Your Mind"
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In General The Class Uke Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #4 New 01-19-2006 01:41 PM
Ok, so I am falling into a pattern of being deemed the "Class Uke" during testing time. Which is an honor but very tiring! I finally tested for 5th kyu last Friday. I was the first person up to test And expended alot of "ki" and adremaline into my moves because I felt I was so "ki'ed" up. I know I was going to be Uke for someone else that night, which wasn't a problem because I have trained with this young lady before and we flow together well.

To my surprise, I was called up to be uke for another person testing that I have only had a few practice sessions with. Consequentially, we didn't flow together as well as we would of if we had some good practices in. Since we didn't flow together, even though I tried be on my best uke behaivor, there was more of strength and muscling being used. By the end of the night I was whipped, tired,sore and advanced to the next level!! Woohoo!!

The partner that I usually work out with is alot taller then I am. He is about 6'2" and I am 5'3". The height makes it difficult for me to complete the moves the way that Rick Sensei demonstrates it so I am constantly having to modify my grips (his hands are way bigger then mine) and movements. Even though he is taller then me, we have a good flow and blend together when we work out.

Techniques to work on:
Pins on Uke
Modifying grip on Uke
Rolling without being dizzy
Deep Ki breathing
Views: 2227 | Comments: 1

In General Sankyo or as I call them " Wrist breakers..." Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #3 New 10-28-2005 11:20 PM
I am trying to get more practice in duringthe week. Currently I practice twice a week but tonight I was able to make a third class.

Tonight Sensei was teaching some sankyo moves. The only thing I have to say about that after two hours of techniques is ...OUCH

I was nage for a gentleman tha wanted me towork for the move then uke for him as he wanted me to see what it felt like. (Sigh) I usually dont mind but tonight was such a rushed night for me. Between work and practice I went to a retirement party for a friend and got to the dojo with minutes to spare to change from party clothes to gi. Hence I didn't warm up properly like I normally do. I am usually there about 20-30 minutes early to get myself switched from work mode to learning mode and relaxed.

Thats the last time I try to do that!

Good news though, Sensei has applied for a new job and if he gets it he will be able to have weekend classes as well! Yeah!

Outside of the dojo though I am just thrilled because tomorrow I get to go buy a new flute... my other passion in life!!
Views: 1730

In General Working on Technique Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #2 New 10-26-2005 11:13 PM
Tonight was a really good class. I was trying to focus more on using my hips while doing the techniques and on keeping my center balanced. After a month of a half of training, I am finally able to get through the warmups at the same pace as the rest of the class and I don't feel like an ole granny walking up hill anymore (even though I am just 35 yo!).

The Sensei had me work with both the kids and the adults tonight. I think its because I have more patience with the younger ones that just want to be "ultimate Martial Artist". I reminded the one child that always tended to be a real heavy and hard hitter during practice that he needs to under true victory, victory over self! I reminded him about the best martial artists were always in control of their movements. I am hoping that sinks ina bit for him. I trained with the childs dad tonight too. He is controled in his movements but still makes you fight to perform the technique, he gives no quarter being your uke.

One of the other guys that I worked with tonight ( I seem to be the revolving partner tonight!) was a young teenage guy, but I think he wasn't comfortable throwing me around so Sensei had us change partners. It's funny, I don't expect to be treated any differently from the other guys on the mat. I am the only adult female that works out there regularly. I am trying to get the guys to treat on equal grounds and not hold back because I am "female".

Views: 1703

In General Working with the Kids Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #1 New 10-21-2005 01:36 PM
I am new to Aikido, just starting my second month into learning. My Sensei just opened his dojo about 3 - 4 months ago. The classes are still small right now and they are mixed classes of ages and abilities.

I don't mind the mix of ages and abilities. Being an older female (the only adult female training), but being new to the art, I find myself working with the kids alot. This is fine with me, I like the idea of "age teaching youth". But there are times when I really need to work out with someone at my abilities and ...height.. and will understand the technique a little bit better to work as an Uke.

Another issue I am having is the the younger 11yo boys are being REALLY aggressive when practicing their moves. More then once I have to tell them that I am their partner not their enemy, and to remember blending and harmony...I had one incident where a young guy really did a hard blow to my elbow while having me in a nikkyo lock and almost blew out my arm. The childs father works out with us, but sometimes I am afraid to talk to him about his son's aggression (and language on the mat) because I know his father is very strict physically with him, really focusing on obediance and consequences.

Anyways, I enjoy the kids but I need to work more with the adults since I am testing for my belt ranking in December and need to find an uke to help me. I practice twice a week and need to see if I can split one practice working with the kids and one with an adult. I think I wil ...More Read More
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