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Re-entry Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 05-12-2009 03:24 PM
Notes on observations made after returning to the tatami following a 2 year 7 month absence
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 14
Comments: 5
Views: 61,556

Entries for the Month of July 2009

In General Yonkyo! class 10 Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #12 New 07-20-2009 07:45 AM
17th July 09

Friday class started out quiet - only myself and our 3rd kyu student at first, but then our 4th kyu and an ungraded guy I hadn't met before turned up

We did gyaku-hanmi nikyo, which was good to help strength train the wrists - they are getting stronger now Iriminage, more of the dreaded katagatame which wasn't fun with a sore shoulder, and then my absolute favourite YONKYO

Sensei had me do some on him as well (masochist ), and I tried to explain to our 4th kyu how to push the pain away (not easy on the end of one of my yonkyos ) but he was getting it and able to resist more

Neither of our soon-to-be 6th kyus were there (the grading is on Tuesday ), nor was our 2nd kyu, but for the sake of his damaged arm I was glad he didn't train! I also suggested to Sensei that our 2nd kyu doesn't take much ukemi in the gradings either as there are enough of us to be ukes who aren't so injured

After Tuesday I'm working long hours so won't be back on the tatami again until 7th August Hope I don't soften up too much in the meantime...
Views: 2617

In General Seeing patterns - class 9 Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #11 New 07-15-2009 10:02 AM
14th July 09

Making up for no classes last week, I decided to train at both Tuesday and Friday class this week

We had a complete beginner at today's class, along with myself, our somewhat injured 2nd kyu, our 4th kyu and one of our soon-to-be-graded to 6th kyu students.. The relative humidity has been particularly high in SE England lately, so although it wasn't especially hot, we were all dripping like waterfalls not long into class

Sensei did a lot of explaining of basic ettiquette for the new chap's benefit, then launched into gyaku-hanmi shihonage. Training with our 2nd kyu I tried to be careful on his injured left arm (he's suffering the aftermath of over-enthusiastic sankyo by our house Shidoin) and attempted to control through the shoulder. I got into trouble for not keeping hold of his arm with both my hands as he went to the floor, but I didn't want to twist his lower arm

I was also struggling to keep an upright posture while controlling uke on the floor at the end of the technique. I suspect it may be a proportion problem - us ladies have longer legs and shorter arms than the guys, making it very difficult for us to do this without a) letting go of uke's arm b) bending at the waist or c) losing balance and ending up on one or both knees...

Next we did uchi kaitenage, and introduced the new guy to the concept of forward ukemi I took him to the point of balance a few times, then showed him how to roll from kneeling on the floor, had ...More Read More
Views: 2333

In General Individual ukes - class 8 Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #10 New 07-13-2009 09:26 AM
3rd July 2009

One of our prospective 6th kyu students was put through a mock grading towards the end of class. He did ok, except for going too fast through nerves!

It's good that Sensei does this as it lets people know what's expected of them

During the last technique of class (always suwari-waza kokyu-ho), I was partnered with our 2nd kyu student, and he was doing his best to be a slippery fish by wriggling out of my control while on the ground... I knew there had to be a way to control him, so I persevered until I found it Some distant memories of how assorted instructors have shown this technique, combined with how the 2nd kyu was doing this technique with me as uke, supplied the answer. I kept my arms very wide, and moved quickly enough that my centre was overpowering his ability to escape, and lo - one pinned slippery fish
Views: 2190 | Comments: 2

In General Weapons at last! - class 7 Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #9 New 07-13-2009 09:16 AM
26th June 09

Another hot day, so Sensei decided that we'd do mostly weapons stuff today, with the emphasis on how the sword movements are used when applying techniques

It was all really good fun, and I discovered that I can still roll with a bokken in my hands

We found a few of the mats need more patching up so Sensei has to bring in another roll of duct tape soon!

My gi repairs went well - I stiched two patches on each knee, one inside and one outside, so hopefully it'll last a bit longer
Views: 1908

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