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Re-entry Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 05-12-2009 03:24 PM
Notes on observations made after returning to the tatami following a 2 year 7 month absence
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Status: Public
Entries: 14
Comments: 5
Views: 61,555

In General Yonkyo! class 10 Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #12 New 07-20-2009 07:45 AM
17th July 09

Friday class started out quiet - only myself and our 3rd kyu student at first, but then our 4th kyu and an ungraded guy I hadn't met before turned up

We did gyaku-hanmi nikyo, which was good to help strength train the wrists - they are getting stronger now Iriminage, more of the dreaded katagatame which wasn't fun with a sore shoulder, and then my absolute favourite YONKYO

Sensei had me do some on him as well (masochist ), and I tried to explain to our 4th kyu how to push the pain away (not easy on the end of one of my yonkyos ) but he was getting it and able to resist more

Neither of our soon-to-be 6th kyus were there (the grading is on Tuesday ), nor was our 2nd kyu, but for the sake of his damaged arm I was glad he didn't train! I also suggested to Sensei that our 2nd kyu doesn't take much ukemi in the gradings either as there are enough of us to be ukes who aren't so injured

After Tuesday I'm working long hours so won't be back on the tatami again until 7th August Hope I don't soften up too much in the meantime...
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