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Sita Nanthavong's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 12-22-2004 03:21 AM
Sita Nanthavong
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 13 (Private: 3)
Comments: 0
Views: 27,856

Entries for the Month of July 2003

In General Monday Night class Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #4 New 07-22-2003 12:05 PM
current status: why am i at work? :P
location: work
sounds: nada yet

last night, guy williams sensei taught our monday night class. very cool. we bowed in, did warm ups, followed by ukemi. williams sensei watched our ukemi, then took over the class. he critiqued our back rolls, stating that we might find it better if we extended more... like tossing a bucket over our shoulder. when he did it, it looked great. so, he incorporated it into a technique he had us do.

being me, i got all confused with the technique, then having to do the ukemi with the extension williams-sensei suggested we try. i think out of all i did, i managed to do two successfully! so, now i've a challenge to overcome mentally as i've blocked myself from doing backwards rolls.

next, williams sensei had us to forward ukemi from another technique. i'm still new to actually rolling out of a technique... so that was interesting. my right side wasn't behaving as my shoulder started to do weird things again. so, i walked out of the technique on that side and rolled properly on my left.

williams sensei had us to a few more techniques, teaching us the entire technique bit by bit. it was very fun to do, a new twist on an "old" technique.

also, watching williams sensei on the mat... he's very smooth, very fluid. he seems to have great control over his body. he's also very open and helpful. very encouraging.

tonight, we will be learning arnis, and some knife/tanto techniques. wahoo! ...More Read More
Views: 1476

In General Monday Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #3 New 07-21-2003 04:32 PM
current status: argh, monday
location: home, playing hookie from work
sounds: travis, "writing to reach you"

ken's test was yesterday. it was very awsesome. eventually, i'll get around to putting up some pictures

tucker-sensei went through the requirements from 9th kyu on up, having ken do a bit of this and a bit of that.

according to tucker-sensei, ken's test was one of better than average tests for 2nd kyu that he's ever seen.

there were a bunch of us that showed up to support ken. we were all used as uke. even me, who took over 100 pictures of the test with the digital camera, who designated myself as backup backup uke. what has this taught me? one, i now know which side of the dojo i should stand on to get the better pictures (more light). two, ken rocks. three, our dojo rocks.

after a while, i kinda got a bit determined with my pictures... i wanted action pictures. i wanted to see people halfway in the air, or legs flaying, for funny "aikido smiles". i kinda got what i wanted.

we should have another 2nd kyu test in the next few months, hopefully. kevin is 3rd kyu, i think. but he is a bit behind because of real life issues.

on another note, guy williams sensei will be visiting us today, tomorrow, and wednesday. guy williams is an advocate of aikibudo. williams-sensei was someone whose sensei was take-sensei (steven seagall). unfortunately, i don't recall williams-sensei's sensei's name. i do have pictures of him though, as i h ...More Read More
Views: 1352

In General Friday... weapon's night! Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #2 New 07-19-2003 02:20 AM
current status: not sure, tired
location: home
sounds: nada

class tonight was fun. i brought cupcakes to celebrate a few things. sarah obtaining her 4th kyu rank, and jeff obtaining his green belt in tang soo do. also, tj gonzales tested some of us for our advanced white belts in modern arnis/the progressive system. we all passed. roman had us doing some more advanced techniques, but hey... we all rocked.

so, after our short test, we joined the rest of the class. we went over the basic takeaways for strikes 1-9. very awesome since i think i'm pretty adept with 1-4. five was a toughie... but i worked with roman and he was pretty awesome with his patience.

after the arnis section, we took a mini break... and grabbed our tanto. we proceeded to do two kevin blok shihan kata. i'm not sure if they are those of his own making, or if they were created by others... either way, there are three and we learned (again) the first two. perhaps next week or the week after, we will learn how to do the kata two-person. the kata is designed, nage with tanto, uke with bokken.

then we picked up the jo staff. to my surprise, i actually knew more of the two jo kata than brian did. egad. i didn't realise he didn't know the second to last hidden strike, which explains why he was totally lost when i tried explaining it to him. luckily, sarah came to the rescue and mentioned it. she also showed me hidden strikes for #13, and #17. i guess i'm ready to work on those now. ...More Read More
Views: 1208

In General Ichi-ban! Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #1 New 07-18-2003 06:58 PM
Wahoo... first journal entry. It's only 4:56pm, according to the PC clock. Almost time to leave work... the sooner, the better, I say!

Weapons class is tonight. Tucker-Sensei has promised some bokken, and the two tanto kata's we learned last week. Also, I'm sure we'll do jo... with partners so we can practise blocks.

Mr. Gonzales will be instructing the arnis section. A group of us are testing today. Should be fun, fun fun!

Will share more later... like, you know, after class!
Views: 1253

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