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Sita Nanthavong's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 12-22-2004 03:21 AM
Sita Nanthavong
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 13 (Private: 3)
Comments: 0
Views: 27,850

In General Friday and Saturday Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #6 New 06-21-2004 03:11 PM
Friday: Weapon's night. Ken and I tested in the Progressive System taught by Mr. Gonzales. Ken was going for his... I forgot... advanced orange? All's I recall is him getting a stripe. I got my purple.

I kinda loused up Reverse Sinawali at first... but I kept at it and eventually it came back. Not too shabby for only having a week and a half to work on it. It's kinda an awkward technique because it goes against the way your body wants to naturally move. But once you get it, it can be kinda fun.

After that, we worked on some Kevin Blok stuff in preparation for his arrival next month. We did tanto tan do ku kata dai ni a few times. Then we worked with the jo and did the continuous strike thrust something or other. It's basically, well, all of the basic jo strikes and some blocks but done in a continuous motion. Once you do once side, you turn around and do the otherside. Then we did the 10 sword cuts Blok shihan showed us last year. We're getting a lot better at them.

I think I was going through an ADD night (no offense to those who have ADD, by the way) or something. While my mind was clear and present, I kept being aware of everything in the room. Blah. I wasn't able to fixate my focus and concentration on Sensei.

We called class early so we could have a little good-bye celebration for Elliott. He's moving down to Southern California with his parents. I think Elliott's been with us for close to a year. We wished him best of luck and had two cakes and a pie.

Saturday: Trained (not a class) at the Y with a sempai. We went over my 3rd Kyu test material and I helped him with the Arnis stuff. While he's decided not to pursue rank in that art, there are things in it we have to learn for our tests... like the take-aways and what have you.

Anyhow... allergies are a killer. They're acting up especially today. Argh.
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