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tiyler_durden's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 02-23-2005 06:34 AM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 117 (Private: 56)
Comments: 2
Views: 217,828

In General Day after grading. Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #54 New 04-08-2005 01:09 AM

well for my first grading I think this was the most painful experience any one has to go through, ever!
To stand up in front of your class and have to show different techniques as they are shouted out to you was a little intimidating and also a little off putting in some parts.

I arrived at the dojo well in advance and helped Brent Sensei get things ready for the grading. We chatted about how we thought at that time and how things would go ok and not to worry yet I had been with Rene the day before and done everything we needed to know over and over and over again.

I put the stools away and I swept the floor and then put the mats out.
Gerald arrived and he was full of good spirits and high hopes for the grading, he was super ready for this as Gerald is not a stupid guy he is quite clever and knows what he is talking about and also knows his Aikido very much. He and Brent sensei worked together on a few techniques. Rene arrived and then followed by Paddy and Bart. We all worked on our forward rolls and backward rolls on the mat as we waited for Joss. Joss was a little late and then we started.

We all bowed and Brent Sensei said that this should be how we show him what we know and what we have!

* Suddenly my brain went dead *

The warm up was good and then we did Tai no Henko ichi and San then hiriki no sei ichi and ni followed by Mae mawari Kaiten and Ushiro mawari Kaiten. This Rene and I had done the night before so I was ok with this.

Then we did So Tai A - B - C <- My Brain gave up the will to live at this point and I stood there like a wet potato waiting to be stood on!

We then did the thing witch I forget the name but we move out of the way of the sword, this I was super focused on as I did not want to get hit at all! I did very well on this and was proud of my self for the concentration I put into this.

We then did Sanbon Kumite A Rene and I where great at this also as we had practiced. Then was the five techniques which Every one said we knew to the max and where very good at!

The four kokyunage we easy as I know I know that! and then we did jiu waza!
I was great at Jiu waza as I was playing with René and wanted him here, so I threw him here. I wanted Rene over there so I moved him over there!

All in all I am only upset about my beginning, I was very upset with myself for losing it completely there and I knew that this will not what I wanted as I kind of knew the technique yet I let myself down.
I now know what to expect and this is great to have the experience but at the end of the day I am still a little upset but I know I did good at the end and showed my skill to Brent Sensei when it mattered most.

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