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RonRagusa's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 03-21-2005 05:24 AM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 145
Comments: 79
Views: 369,324

In General Ninety-four Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #95 New 09-25-2008 09:09 PM
Correct feeling is achieved when my mind and body are coordinated. Correct feeling defines my strongest possible state wherein I am able to realize my full potential as a human being. Correct feeling is a broader based idea of power than simple strength. It is the power to be and act according to principles that I choose to live by regardless of whatever external forces are acting to impede me.

What then, you may wonder, is coordination of mind and body? Simply stated mind and body are coordinated when they are in the same place at the same time doing the same thing. My body is always exactly where it is and always exists at now. My mind, however, due to its ethereal nature is not limited to any particular place or time. It can be anywhere, anywhen. In fact due to the time lag inherent in the processing of sensory stimuli, my mind, unlike my body, is forever shut off from now. My mind can approach now without limit, but never quite get there. This leads me to conclude that perfect mind/body coordination is not possible. My body can never move off now, my mind can never quite reach now.

Mind/body coordination is not something I either have or do not have. If my mind and body were totally disconnected then there would be no me to speak of. The degrees of mind/body coordination form a continuum that is limited by total disconnect on one end and perfect unity on the other.

Aikido study is my way of bringing mind/body as close to unity as possible.
Views: 1844 | Comments: 3 (1 Private)

RSS Feed 3 Responses to "Ninety-four"
#2 09-29-2008 08:44 AM
RonRagusa Says:
Hi Joe - When you see Sensei please extend best wishes for him from Mary and me. Ron
#1 09-29-2008 01:03 AM
nagoyajoe Says:
Yup...just like Sensei!

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