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fatebass21's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 02-07-2005 08:09 AM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 33
Comments: 9
Views: 170,481

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  #3 New 12-05-2004 12:59 PM
I am glad that I went to class this morning. One of those classes where you feel that you have really made some improvements. You have been slacking off lately self!, and not going to class as much. This week I will go to class four times! Thats a lot for me. Well, I said it so lets see if I do it in between work and school. Got to get ready for work.


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  #2 New 11-30-2004 10:41 AM
I was out for medical reasons for the last week. I will be attending class @ 8 in the morning tomorrow.

Last time I took time away from the dojo, I went and found out during the warm-ups that I had almost forgotten how to break fall and roll. Hope I don't experience this tomorrow. Is this normal? Does this happen to everyone?

Tried recruiting a few people from work to come join the dojo, which is good. I have noticed that when I talk about training in Aikido, I don't just talk about the physical aspect, but the philosophical aspect as well. It is like some sub-conscious thing that I am leaning towards, because I feel that trusting in the ki and energy of the universe will help me train better. I never believed in anything like that before I started training in Aikido almost a year ago, but it seems necessary to be able to fully understand the art and lifestyle, and not just the physical aspects.
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In General Break Falls Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #1 New 11-23-2004 07:30 PM
...just recieved Kyu 7 but im still having a great deal of trouble with the break falls over a fellow student's back. i am starting to believe in what some other students are telling me: in that everyone experiences cycles with training. right now i think i am at the downside of a training cycle.

i feel i have a lot less energy at my disposal than i did in past training sessions. i guess the only thing i can do to master break falling is to continue practicing it non-stop.
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