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erikmenzel's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 05-11-2004 10:52 AM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 48
Comments: 13
Views: 285,011

In General Thou shall not hurt uke Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #8 New 03-07-2003 04:26 PM
Especially not when I am uke. I am trusting my partner with my body so he should respect it. Most people understand this without even thinking about it at all, but once in a while one runs into somebody whose enthousiasme makes him forget to be gentil. And hiji osea really hurts too much when done with a lot of muscle. Of course I will survive. Coldpack, some massage and arneca. Darn fragile elbows,
I will have to survive because tomorrow is the Donovan Waite seminar ;-)
Views: 1306

In General Shu Ha Ri Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #7 New 03-04-2003 07:50 AM
Yesterdays lesson was completely focussed on the concepts of Shu Ha and Ri. In the special lesson for senior students sensei gave a very long explanation about the normal learning proces in Aikido and the effects this has on how one should behave in the dojo. Using the western philosophical concepts of doxa, sophia and idea he was able to clarify for a lot of the senior students what we are looking for in aikido, and maybe more important, in which way we do this.
Views: 1331

In General Ordinary training Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #6 New 02-28-2003 04:07 PM
Swept the floor. Cleaned the mats. Wipped the blackboard. Arranged the Kamiza.
Nice fast training. Dynamic form of katate dori uchi kaiten nage followed by a very dynamic katate dori sokumen irimi nage and some kokyu nage. Isn't it amazing where you can find extra energy after you are completely and utterly exhausted? Dynamic forms of katate dori dai sankyo followed by some more kokyu nage. We finished with some different kumijo. Two and a half hours is always way to short.
Views: 1328

In General Advanced class followed by beginners class Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #5 New 02-25-2003 04:39 PM
Nothing like training very intensly. I always enjoy it when my partner discovers he needs all the air he can get and has no air left to talk. Tonights advanced class luckily started out like that. And yes it is possible to do suwari waza kokyu ho at such a level that your partners is really gasping for air.

After advanced class the beginners course, including a dozen people that only have had something like 4 or 5 lessons started again. Shifting down the gear a bit can be quite demanding as well. No more high speed training. Careful and watchful training. Try to avoid that the beginners hurt themselves. Why do some beginners instinctively move in the most dangerous directions?? One smart beginner figured out today that I was not going to tell him how to do it and that he just had to try and practice. Guess what, he did great and was really improving.
Views: 1208

In General Train train train Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #4 New 02-25-2003 11:19 AM
Yesterday training was nice. Sensei had to go to a meeting but on of the advanced students took over the class. Simple training. Just training training training.
Views: 1276

In General I would rather train Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #3 New 02-21-2003 03:51 PM
Sensei was ill today. I was the most senior student present when the class started.
I like training myself better, but you cannot always have what you want. Being in charge sucks, although I must admit it can be very instructive as well.
Everybody behaved really nice and put a lot of focus, attention and sweat into their exercises. I just sat in seiza and observered.
Views: 1335

In General Ooops Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #2 New 02-13-2003 05:05 AM
I had to change the lightbulb today after accidently wacking the lamp with my suburi to. Somehow the impact of the suburi to on my stuff seems te be bigger than the impact of my bokken.
Views: 1279

In General Beginners course Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #1 New 02-12-2003 04:25 PM
Tuesdays beginners course was great fun again. Having lots of people around that only had 3 lessons makes you think about your own beginning. I guess I must have been as strange when I started, but it still is hard to recognize yourself in the disconnected arms and legs that beginners seem to have.
Some move with great ease as where others get confused only by thinking of moving.
Paid extra attention to one guy that continued to stick out his arm while tumbling backwards. He seemed annoyed by it, but heck at least he did not break his wrist.
Views: 1315

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