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bmedendorp's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 06-29-2006 10:32 AM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 4
Comments: 1
Views: 16,112

Entries for the Month of June 2006

In General Back on the Mat Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #1 New 06-29-2006 10:32 AM
Well, last night I was finally able to get back on the mat after my recent shoulder injury. I was talking to Mary about my injury, and she mentioned that some people will put a cross of tape on an injured joint to let their training partners know of an injury and to take it easy. Had I known about that little trick, I may have been able to return to the mat a little earlier, but I still only missed a week of practice due to the injury, and I think the time off helped it heal much faster then it would have if I had pushed it a little too hard. During the time off, I still attended a couple of training sessions just to watch and come away with as much as possible from the experience. I have been going over my rolls in my mind for the past week, and the mental imagery appears to have really paid off. I have noticed a significant amount of progress in my forward rolls since the last time I was on the mat. I was able to perform most of my rolls without my arms giving out on me, unlike last time, when I kept coming down rather hard on my shoulders because of my arms collapsing part way through the roll (come to think of it, that may have been a contributing factor in my shoulder injury. I still haven't figured out the exact cause yet). All week, whenever I've had a free moment of time, I've been mentally performing my forward rolls, trying to imagine the "unbendable arm" as I was thinking about them and wouldn't you know....it appears to have really helped. My back rolls ...More Read More
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