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Grab My Wrist. Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 03-13-2008 04:01 PM
I teach Aikido at a small dojo in Winnipeg, Canada. Been doing so for many years now. This blog is just a collection of ruminations on teaching, descriptions of the events of daily practice, and the occasional funny story.
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Status: Public
Entries: 34 (Private: 1)
Comments: 25
Views: 204,682

In General The Irishman. Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #7 New 04-06-2008 07:31 PM
I wrote a bit about Jim, the oldest member of my dojo, in my last entry, so I thought I'd continue with the introductions by writing about Gary, the second oldest member of the dojo.

First off, Gary is Irish. This means, of course, he has a very ready and very witty sense of humour (Jim has a sense of humor, too, but its dry as a box of soda crackers). It also means he's gregarious, has a bit of a temper (tho' of the passive-aggressive sort), and has a very independent mind. Gary's always thinking things through, asking questions and making observations. He likes the "why" of things, as well as the "how."

Gary has the amusing habit of talking his way through the performance of a technique. He often works through technique muttering, "So now I want to do this...and then go like this... and then..." Of course, when he's doing this he's moving at a speed that allows it. When things go faster, he makes up for being unable to say anything with some really remarkable faces. His very mobile Irish features make for some astonishing facial configurations!

Practicing with Gary is always enjoyable. He works hard, studies what he's doing, but still manages to have some fun, too. Who cares that he sweats more than a sauna full of football players.
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