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MikeLogan's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 11-30-2006 12:05 PM
just a bunch of poetry that reminds me of aikido, and vice versa.
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Status: Public
Entries: 4
Comments: 3
Views: 41,538

In General The Need To Win; Chuang Tzu (~300 B.C.) Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #4 New 01-05-2008 02:28 PM
When an archer is shooting for nothing
He has all his skill.
If he shoots for a brass buckle
He is already nervous.
If he shoots for a prize of gold
He goes blind
Or sees two targets--
He is out of his mind!

His skill has not changed. But the prize
Divides him. He cares.
He thinks more of winning
Than of shooting--
And the need to win
Drains him of power.
(as translated by Thomas Merton)
Views: 6960 | Comments: 3

RSS Feed 3 Responses to "The Need To Win; Chuang Tzu (~300 B.C.)"
#3 01-13-2008 05:51 PM
Chuang Tzu leaves the real world to Han Fei Tzu. Han Fei prefers to predefine that which is "the good". Life is good. Death is not good. Rules/laws are iplaced in government to preserve life. Chuang Tzu questions everything. Is death so bad? Who is to say? When asked to go to the palace to consult the king, he said, "leave me to sit in my mudhole". Great path for a monk, but not if you are married with children. Still, he is my favorite of the old wise men....idelaist that I am.
#2 01-13-2008 01:24 PM
I like Chaung Tzu. He beats the philosophical bush to raise the snakes. But he rarely shows how to put the snakes back into a pit. His unencumbered mind only comes from much toil chasing the goal. Try telling your wife that you will stop her rape without being concerned about success. She will suggest you have not practiced enough to have that attitude.
#1 01-10-2008 04:53 PM
Shany Says:
niceee, i like i alot, holds true!

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