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Jedi Archives Blog Tools Rating: Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 09-20-2004 05:38 PM
Devon Natario
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 85
Comments: 15
Views: 171,803

In General 2005? Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #67 New 12-23-2005 12:09 AM
Francs blog made me think about 2005 a lot.

I started teaching again this year. I have been at it for about 9 months now. My students are all yellow belts and they have come a long way.

I started training for MMA with the Lions Den. I came here a couple years ago to check it out. I chose to do Aikido instead. Of course, I would not be where I am today if I had made any other decision. I believe that it all happened for a reason. Aikido taught me great things, and I wouldn't be here making a blog about it if it didn't.

Back on track- I have only had 13 classes so far and I am loving it. I lost a BJJ competition by two points, but I will be back, lesson learned...

My son was born this year, and what better than that?

I have started doing research on the cost of certain locations to actually open up a dojo. I want to do all the research before I make a decision, but I am starting to look.

Once I get all day shifts, I am going to open a school at a local gym, church, or otherwise. Then once I get some students, it's off to start a business.

This year what else? Nothing much.. My son was the tip of the iceburg. You cant top that one :P Unless you had twin boys.

You know one thing we do not have is a darn YMCA or youth center here. We have nothing for children here. This dumb town is so concerned with tourism, they forget about the children. Welcome to Coeur d'Alene where we care more about plane rides over the lake than we do the kids of the person that's flying the plane. Hello Idaho!.

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