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Veers's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 04-15-2003 09:42 PM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 22
Comments: 5
Views: 87,312

In General Oh, my knees! Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #2 New 04-17-2003 09:55 PM
Okay, it's official...shikko hurts the untrained knees! I'll be stiff tomorrow, I bet.

Worked on my rolls some more today. Still having trouble with the right hand leading, and my backwards rolls are a mess...I keep tripping myself and falling on my butt :]

Sensei was out of town, so John taught...formal but a bit more talkative, which is good for me, so I can ask questions.

We worked on suwari waza with shomen uchi, doing different pins. I got confused with which one to do, because we did two variants (with two directions each) so...

Guess the hignlight was when we were practicing getting out of the way of a punch...on irimi you step in and then pivot and swing the foot around to be behind them, but on this, all you do is pivot on your heels and bring your hand down to deflect the blow, so you're basically behind them, but not in a position to throw uke.

Anyway, so we're doing this, and I kept doing tenkan on accident. I guess it was just wanting to pivot and get all the way out of the way of the punch... So John goes, "there's a jo in the back...I'll go get it and whack your ankles if you tenkan again."

I got it right the next time. Then we tried something else and I did it again, so he stood behind me and said he'd kick me if I turned again...I didn't. I'm thinking too hard about it...but I'm sure that's natural, since I'm new...

Rome wasn't built in a day, aikido wasn't developed in a day, and I can't expect to learn it in that ammount of time, either!

Another waza we practiced was instead of deflecting the ski and clotheslining them, you grab the wrist and put your arm palm-up under their arm, then step forwards and roll them off you, leading with your hip. That was easier than deflecting, but I'd bet at faster speed, it'd be harder.

Well, until next Tuesday...guess I'll have to keep doing rolls at home...hmm, whatever...

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