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Re-entry Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 05-12-2009 03:24 PM
Notes on observations made after returning to the tatami following a 2 year 7 month absence
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 14
Comments: 5
Views: 65,775

In General Great atmosphere - class 5 Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #6 New 06-18-2009 10:49 AM
12th June 09

Today's class was one of those classes where everyone just had so much FUN

Afterwards Sensei commented that there was great spirit in the class

We did a variety of techniques, some basic, some complex, including a variation of the 'goose-neck' immobilisation used by the police which I can never figure out - fortunately I was working with our youngest (and brightest) student who figured it out from working it backwards We have to be careful with him as he's only 12 years old so joint locks are not applied!

I have noticed that I'm shaping up better these days - moving my body around is good for it - so although I'm still about 12lbs overweight it's not hanging off me so much It would be good to start doing both classes per week, but with an imminent house-move and a lot of work commitments it's not fair or practical right now Perhaps in the autumn after the move when I'll be living closer to the dojo...

One thing I particularly like about Sensei's teaching is that after he has demonstrated a technique several times on uke, he then asks uke to demonstrate the same technique on him This means that he can show the correct ukemi, the various options for breakfalls, and also check that his teaching was clear enough that uke can replicate the technique..

I also learned that juniors should train at the end of the mat so there is less chance somebody can fall on them during class - as I've not done the Coaching Children module I wasn't previously aware of this, but it makes sense

After class we agreed that next Friday we'd do some dojo maintenance - there is a tear to mend in the canvas (my job!) and several tatami need taping together for security. We're going to get all that done, then have a shorter class, hopefully including some weapons practise
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