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tiyler_durden's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 02-23-2005 06:34 AM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 117 (Private: 56)
Comments: 2
Views: 227,352

In General Last lesson before the test. Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #52 New 04-06-2005 05:12 AM

I arrived at the dojo well before time as usual and was met by Brent. I was happy to see him as I had missed one lesson as I was sick this weekend yet am still not 100%, but that is irrelevant as I need to train before the test.
Brent had accidentally head butted the big guy who he was training with and was very upset that this had happened and was talking to the guy and making sure that he was ok and every thing was fine. The big guy had a huge bump on his head and was ok but still wanted to go home as he was not good.

I gave in my test form and slowly got changed. The bell rang and I opened the door and was met with a new guy who was called Alex and he will now be a regular training with us. He is ex Aikikai so I kind of knew the barriers he would com up against and how he will feel changing styles of Aikido so late in the game, but I also admire this as well as this is a big step for someone to take. We chatted and waited for more to arrive. Rene followed by Paddy.

Gerald was already there training so we had quite a full crew today, yet there was a certain fear looming there.
Paddy was taking notes Rene was taking notes I am pretty confident yet I know where my weaknesses lie and this is ok as I just need to iron them out through more training as this is my first test and I am pretty good so I don't think I will fail. I know that Paddy will have a few issues yet this is only for filth Kyu so he will pass none the less yet when he gets to Black belt he will certainly have issues. Gerald is very good so I know he will pass easy with nothing more than a sweat on his brow.

The lesson consisted of Rene and I doing four Kokyonage ichi and Ni then Gihon Waza (Ikajo, Nikajo, Shihonage).
Then we followed this by doing all five basic techniques (Ikajo, nikajo, sanajo, Gokajo, rokajo).

Great lesson.
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