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Mary Eastland's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 08-29-2009 05:57 AM
Mary Eastland
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 71
Comments: 42
Views: 316,579

In General Vinnie's Foot Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #15 New 04-26-2012 03:49 PM
The picture of Vinnie's foot inspired me. He has fresh feet that have taken no steps, kissable feet, soft, free from the calluses of life. I wish my little grand boy a splendid journey on his sturdy little feet, filled with the ups and downs of life as my feet have traveled.

My feet have never failed me; through a childhood filled with backyard games of hide and go seek, kick the can, tag, baseball, kickball etc, through high school and college basketball, and various other sports not to mention years of waitressing.

On my feet I tended babies, played with tweens, and chased my teens. Now I get to repeat it all over again albeit much slower, with my grand boys.

Aikido has been a special project for my feet. I have developed tough soles from years of training. My big toes got broken, little toes dislocated, my big toe nail torn off to many times. All of the above can be trained through when properly taped.

I hope little Vinnie's feet serve him half as well as my fine, beautifully manicured feet have served me.

(Pink toes belong to Shannon, Vinnie's Mom...Red toes belong to me Vinnie's Mimi.)

Views: 2428 | Comments: 1

RSS Feed 1 Responses to "Vinnie's Foot"
#1 05-02-2012 07:35 PM
Diana Frese Says:
Just signed on tonight. Saw this and smiled. Beautiful feet and beautiful thoughts. Thanks, Mary!

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