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Jedi Archives Blog Tools Rating: Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 09-20-2004 05:38 PM
Devon Natario
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 85
Comments: 15
Views: 163,433

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  #69 New 12-27-2005 10:26 PM
Todays class was again awesome. I learned so much once again, Ill go over as much as I remember.

We worked the guard and how to posture up and stuff the arm bar, triangle, and any other move. We learned how to post up and keep posted (by bringing our arm tight to us). Then we learned how to get the angle with our feet (left back, right forward, hips turned) then we push the leg off of us and pass.

Then we worked when the legs go to the hips. We are to grab a hold of the pants, pull down, and put everything to the right. Pass on the left and keep body positioning on them.

Then we learned to release grips and to move to ankles and fake left, then throw right and pass to knee on stomach.

Then we released grips, grabbed with our left hand, our right hand grabs their ankle and we move open them up and pass on knee on stomach.

Then we worked the sitting guard, and how to stay with them and keep distance or ma ai.

The best position for the top guy is to place his foot in between your legs, and underhook with right arm, then pass knee over. They can defend by hooking and sweeping.

If they hook we can go to Hawaiian Choke and roll forward.

If they stay and sweep, roll into oma plata.

I went over oma plata. I went over the top half guard roll into kimura.

I hate it, so much stuff that I can not remember.....................

I will keep taking notes, but it's so dang hard to keep track of all the moves. I love it. The one thing I love about learning something new, is that I can not learn it all in one day. It makes me know that I am learning something.

Hahah I remember one:
We also did an escape from half-guard today. When youre on top you want to get underhook with left arm and position on their hips (hip to hip). Place right armclose and tight inside your body, elbow to knee. Then you are going to raise left knee and cross over body and push out the other leg with your free leg and out of half-guard. Whabam
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