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Guy's Aikido Journal Blog Tools Rating: Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 02-27-2005 01:33 AM
This is a journal of Guys Aiki path
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Status: Public
Entries: 217
Comments: 33
Views: 380,285

In General Second Tai Cai 108 (and third :-) ) Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #184 New 04-27-2005 10:33 AM
Wow two 108's in one day. We celebrated the anniversary passing of O-sensei by the 108 repetitions of the same technique. The interesting thing is the order of the events for the practice. Each person does their selected technique 108 times. The order of the nage uke relationshiop is also different. Senior person is Nage for one throw, then the kohi for one throw, then the senior person, then the kohi, then the senior person, then the kohi, then the senior, then the kohi. All in rapid order, a physical meditation when you get it correct and stop worrying about how bad your technique is. Then when you have done four repetitions of the technique, you sit in seza meditating quietly, when everyone is done on the mat, sensei does a reading of O-sensie's writing, then the bell rings, and you do four more, three sets of four with each of 9 partners makes for 108 .

I selected the same technique for both of the 108 practices today, Shoman Uchi Irimi Nage. I can't say that I did a good one in the 216 times that I did it today, not for want of trying though. Both classes were exhausting. The second more so because I had done it once already in the morning. The pace is so much quicker than the pace of a normal practice. The interspersion between physical activity, and stillness is strange, in a way reflective of the patterns of everyday life. We get so wound up in the physical activity that we miss the meditation moments most of the time.

The only things that I got out of the day was that my Ukemi has gotten better, for the most part, I could blend with the Nage on the first of the techniques when all I knew is what attack they wanted. So I guess that something is getting better.

Overall the disappointment with the execution of my technique was the overshadowing event of the day for this 108. I had hoped to see or feel some change in the technique as the day went on, but I didn't. I felt that I was as bad at Irimi nage with the first partner of the day as the last partner of the day. I was spoiled by the feelings that it got better last year, and had kind of thought that this year would be the same.
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