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Cocoon Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 01-13-2006 01:46 PM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 16
Comments: 12
Views: 75,179

In General New found enjoyment of Aikido Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #8 New 04-28-2006 07:56 AM
I've been in Aikido for nearly a year now and so alot of what we do daily is something I've had some time to memorize and become comfortable with. With losing my self-conciousness I can now have fun with the techniques and even experiment with them.

I seem to have gone enough now to the point that some wrist locks don't even work now (depending on whether or not it's Jon doing them). And on my off time I can create new interesting and devestating techniques of my own that work well. One thing I like is now I can just let loose in the dojo, and after work it's great to come in because I can heave people around, get slammed and stretched loosening all the tension in my body and I get the chance to Kiai which is a real release.

I remember back when I first started my Kiai was small and I improved when I was home alone and practiced, I got good enough that everything made of metal would be ringing with the vibrations. Now my voice spooks even some students that got there before me.

Yesterday was really cool too, we got to hit the bag with our Jo's. My focus on Tsuki was to send the bag whirling away which kept tipping one of the guys over, and man did I feel good after beating the crap out of that thing.

Testing is some time this summer, I hope I pass. I feel I've changed since I came, my muscles have become like wires and I can feel tremendous power. However, I have to work on technique technicals so I can use the power to the full effect. Gotta keep practicing and maybe I will no longer be a no Kyu level.
Views: 2920 | Comments: 1

RSS Feed 1 Responses to "New found enjoyment of Aikido"
#1 04-28-2006 10:29 AM
jducusin Says:
Glad to hear you're having fun in class, Trevor --- keep it up! Hope to see you out a little more often in the near future. - Jamie (who also has blog on AikiWeb) :-D

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