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brendaf's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 05-14-2004 01:03 AM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 5 (Private: 1)
Comments: 4
Views: 22,264

In General Class #3 - A real move! Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #3 New 02-18-2004 11:42 AM
Feb. 17, 2004

What a great class that was!

We actually put some of the basic moves together. It was great to see the reasoning behind some of those strange "dance" steps we've been practicing and all of that rolling around on the mat.

As I was working on rolls, it occurred to me how funny this would look to an elementary school student -- having to get instructions on how to do forward & backward rolls.

I was amazed that one of the moves (that had some great sounding name, but I can't come close to remembering what it was) actually moved someone off balance. Now, I know that someone who's been doing this for more than a few hours would say, "Of course -- Duh." But for some reason, the idea that at only 5'1 I could move this big strong guy off balance just amazed me. He, at least, was kind and masked his surprise when I asked him, "That really worked?" I'm not sure what outcome I expected, but I guess not that.

I actually had a moment when the moves actually flowed together one thing "clicked." The other students were incredibly helpful and great fun to work with. I hope I can quickly get to the point where they are not constantly having to guide me. That certainly cannot be too much fun for them.

The bowing…okay, turns out I haven't really overcome the bowing issue yet. But, I sort of tilted my head getting off & on the mat. That's got to count for something. I suppose it's along the same reason I wear sweats & don't have Gi (I wonder if that's the right name? This is the first time I haven't called them, "the white pajama looking things.") Seems if someone is going to wear the cool outfit and bow, they should at least not be as green as I am.

Although it is the most humbling part of my week, it is certainly among the highlights and I find myself looking forward to the next class.

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