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An Iwama juku AikiBlog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 03-03-2005 10:01 PM
Ibaraki Bryan
The personal blog of Bryan, a current sotodeshi at Hitohiro Saito Sensei's Iwama school
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 8
Comments: 1
Views: 43,549

In General an aussie on a mission Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #6 New 04-11-2005 12:01 AM
Just finished my third keiko in a row -- last night, this morning and tonight. I'm feeling more sore than I've been in a while. I'm not nearly as sore as my first uchideshi experience but I can feel it. From the soreness I can tell I haven't been relaxing my shoulders enough during technique and ken suburi -- I tend to tense up. Gotta work on that.

We did kotegaeshi tonight and I worked with Peter, the Australian kyuu-level uchideshi I worked with last night for taejutsu and again this morning for bukiwaza. We didn't start working together tonight -- I did tae no henko with Pietre (I think?) from Czech Republic. I was looking forward to a bracing night being tossed by the Czech but then a shuffle ended me up with Peter (Oz) and Alicia with Pietre.

It was a good night but a couple bad kotegaeshi attempts left my wrists a bit mangled. Twisting the arm along its axis with brute force hurts a bit but doesn't make me want to fall -- makes me want to smack the guy. He caught on after a couple attempts and started folding me up more, making it impossible to resist -- not that I was actively trying to resist to begin with. . .

Next morning:
This morning my alarm didn't go off so I missed morning bukiwaza. My only alarm is on my cell phone and it has to be set every day, so I guess I forgot -- or I subconciously knew my body needed a little break. I must be lazier than when I was uchideshi. It might have something to do with having such a nice place to come home to and -- of course -- my girlfriend being here. Makes things so comfortable at home -- we're both at risk of becoming hermits! I think we'll do okay though. Today we'll probably hike up Atago-san -- starting from the house -- to see how long it takes. I'll try to get some Atago pictures up here...
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