View Full Version : sitting crossed legged

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Sherman Byas
07-03-2001, 11:08 AM
Yeah Yeah I know, I should know this. What is the Japanese term for sitting crossed legged? I saw it somewhere but can't remember!:confused:

Chuck Clark
07-03-2001, 11:55 AM
I've always heard it called "anza."

Hope that helps.

Young-In Park
07-03-2001, 01:18 PM
Originally posted by Sherman Byas
What is the Japanese term for sitting crossed legged?

According to the Aikido Association of America, sitting cross legged is "Agura No Shisei."

YoungIn Park

07-03-2001, 08:20 PM
Both "anza" and "agura" can, indeed, denote sitting cross-leggedly. "Anza" (easy sitting) is usually said in contrast to "seiza" (proper sitting).

-- Jun