View Full Version : Aikidopalooza Seminar in CT Jan 20-23

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01-14-2006, 12:45 PM
Yanagi Aikido's Grand Opening Seminar is bringing together fourteen teachers from four different organizations in our region to share their insights into Aikido. This will be a great opportunity to gain exposure to many different perspectives, ideas and techniques while sharing practice with old friends and meeting new ones.

Held in Norwalk, CT January 20-23, 2006.

If you have some time and are in the area this weekend, stop by and help us celebrate our grand opening in our new space! It should be a great time.

For more information, please go to www.aikidonorwalk.com/seminar

Sarah :ai:

Karen Wolek
01-14-2006, 01:42 PM
Hi Sarah,

Sounds interesting! Can you please tell me who the 14 instructors are? Thanks!

01-14-2006, 08:17 PM
Hey Karen,

The fourteen instructors are (in alphabetical order):
Wil Calero Sensei, Shishinkan Dojo
Robert Caron Sensei, Zenshinkan Dojo
Jay Carvalho Sensei, Mushin Aikido
John Dore Sensei, Methuen Aikido
Keith Engel Sensei, Koshinkan Dojo
Ray Farinato Sensei, Aikido of Fairfield County
Frank Gallo Sensei, Shoshinkan Dojo
Corey Guilbault Sensei, Yanagi Aikido
Stewart Johnson Sensei, Jikishinkan Dojo
Earl Layumas Sensei, Midhudson Aikido
Glen Matsuda Sensei, Shishinkan Dojo
Julio Monell Sensei, New York Aikido Alliance
Claudia Stokely Sensei, Kaishinakn Dojo
Ken Yamazaki Sensei, Aikido of NYC

Since we are a AAA (Aikido Association of America) dojo, a lot of the instructors are from our organization. Also there are instructors from AWA (Aikido World Alliance), USAF East, and Nihon Goshen. If you follow the above link, there is a place to download the seminar flier, which has the topics that will be covered by each instructor, and just some more general info.

I hope some of you can make it. :)


01-15-2006, 12:48 PM
Hey sarah i will be there for atleast Sat i am from the shishinkan dojo and 2 of the instructors will be from here. look forward to seeing all there


01-15-2006, 04:52 PM
Hey Mike,

Great! I'm glad you can make it. It will definitely be an interesting format for a seminar. I think it will be really fun, especially to see so many different perspectives all at once.

01-15-2006, 08:24 PM
Yep sounds like its gonna be a blast i only started last month in Aikido so this will be my first seminar looking forward to it..


01-16-2006, 05:07 PM
Ah.... *rubbing hands together in anticipation* new fish.... ;)

Seriously, seminars are great fun, and I know most of those that are coming and they're all excellent people. Stick close to the blackbelts; they'll take good care of you *heh heh* :hypno:

Just let your partners know your ukemi level and you should learn a lot and have a lot of fun.

Can't wait to see you there!

Sarah :ai:

01-16-2006, 08:07 PM
you can rub your hands together as long as you dont beat me up im getting old lmao
