View Full Version : Asian Aikido Federation Bangkok

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10-26-2005, 12:11 AM
Hello everybody,
The Asian Aikido Federation seminar in Bangkok is just around the corner on November 4-6. Doshu and Kobayashi shihan from hombu dojo will be teaching classes there. I am looking forward to training with any of you who will be making the trek to Bangkok.


Best Regards

Peter Kang :D

10-26-2005, 12:27 AM
Hi Peter,

It sounds like it'll be an interesting event. Please let us know how things go.

-- Jun

10-26-2005, 02:39 AM
me, me! I'm going! hope to squeeze in some aikido besides the shopping and eating ;).

11-09-2005, 09:19 PM
Greetings everybody...
I have just returned from the AAF in Bangkok and I am happy to say that the seminar was a success and enjoyed by all who attended. Fukakusa sensei and Aikikai Thailand were the perfect hosts of the event. The shihans teaching at the event were Lee, Kojima, Kobayashi, Kubota, Arai, Fujita, Fukakusa senseis and of course Doshu. There were a number of other shihans from the All Japan aikido federation (AJAF) training on the mat, including Minegishi, Funakoshi, Ichizuka senseis. Even for an Asian event, there were a small number of people from NZ, US and UK who participated. We witnessed a number of impressive displays during the embukai. The AJAF group and Doshu never fail to bring the house down. One highlight was the demonstration given by the Vietnamese groups. Their ukemi was breathtaking.
The event was capped with a banquet with a pretty nice string quintet playing chamber music which later broke out into a full blown party.... Doshu and Mrs Ueshiba danced to ABBA tunes..... Many aikidoka transformed into instant papparazzi clicking away with their digital cameras and videocams. It was a great event. I can't wait until the next one in two years which will be held in Taipei.

11-12-2005, 07:47 AM
I have a video clip of Doshu and his wife together with Kubota Shihan, Koyama Shihan, & Mori Sensei, dancing to the tune of Abba's Dancing Queen. :)
