View Full Version : Special Seminar: Inoue Yoshinkan Kancho

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Ron Tisdale
08-09-2005, 08:18 AM
October 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 2005

Inoue Kancho, head instructor of the Yoshinkan Honbu Dojo, will be visiting the Doshinkan Dojo in October of 2005. He will be providing semi-private seminars to a limited number of students on a first come, first served basis, and full classes in conjunction with the 50th Anniversary Celebration of the founding of Yoshinkan Aikido by Soke Gozo Shioda, for those who were not able to attend the 50th anniversary. Inoue Kancho will be giving group and semi-private workshops at the Doshinkan Dojo, and all are invited and encouraged to visit the Doshinkan Dojo for this exciting and important event.

For those of you who have been following the Kokyu Ryoku threads on www.aikiweb.com, the special sessions will provide an opportunity to interact with Inoue Kancho personally.

http://www.doshinkan-aikido.org/ for more information, prices, and to register online.

:ai: :ki: :do:


Ron Tisdale
08-24-2005, 11:48 AM
I mentioned above the nature of certain discussions surrounding 'Kokyu Ryoku' on aikiweb. These have continued in a very interesting fashion on www.aikidojournal.com. Anyone interested in the higher levels of aikido should read these threads, and take advantage of this opportunity to train with one of aikido's living treasures.



Ron Tisdale
10-17-2005, 09:48 AM
Shameless bump...this promises to be a great seminar...and it may be one of the last times Inoue Sensei comes to the States. Sign up ahead of time if at all possible!


10-17-2005, 02:50 PM

Best of luck to you and everyone at Doshinkan. As always, I'm sure this will be a great clinic. Please send my regards to all.

Ron Tisdale
10-17-2005, 02:52 PM
Hi Steven,

Absolutely! Wish you could be here!
