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Dennis Hooker
05-03-2005, 12:34 PM
Kevin Sparkman Sensei is one of my oldest students he is also like a member of my family. He started training with me as a teenager and now he is in his early 40's. He is an instructor in Nashville Tenn. Those of you that know him probably remember the body chiseled out of stone and the incredible dedication and power of his Aikido.

We found out last week that Kevin has an inoperable, malignant tumor that has integrated into the brain stem. Several of the ASU 6th dans will be doing a benefit seminar to help out with some expenses. It will be here at the Shindai Dojo in Orlando Florida. Steve Fasen the Shindai Dojo Cho is working on the dates. I will post them as soon as I know. I will be going to Nashville soon to teach a small seminar there as well. Dates will follow.

Please place Kevin on your prayer list or send some good thoughts his way.

Thank You

Dennis Hooker

05-03-2005, 12:50 PM
Hi Dennis,

Please keep us informed of the benefit seminar and also of Kevin's status. If there's anything I can do, please don't hesitate to let me know...

He will be in my thoughts.

-- Jun

05-03-2005, 10:56 PM
Kevin Sparkman Sensei....has an inoperable, malignant tumor that has integrated into the brain stem.

Sorry to hear it. I've only had the opportunity to train with him once and I'd looked forward to more. He's a strong player and I'm very sorry that he's ailing.

I'll try to make the seminar. Thanks, Dennis.

05-05-2005, 11:52 AM
I'm sorry to hear the new Hooker sensei and I'm thinking about Sparkman sensei.

I've never actually trained with him but I was planning on visiting his dojo in Nashville the last time I was there but I had to leave before I could. Keep us posted on the seminar and I'll try to get our dojo to attend.


05-05-2005, 12:11 PM
Myself and Emory will be there.

Kevin Sparkman Sensei represents a true warrior spirit. He is an invincible warrior that proved beyond a doubt that aikido was the martial art that would dominate my life. He took in a college kid and showed me aikido. He helped me adjust to single life without parents in a new city. He was in my wedding. And now he stays in my house when he visits me in Atlanta. He has been there for me for my entire adult life, and you can bet I will be there for him.

To those of us that are close to Kevin, his illness is inconceivable. He is a rock. He does not falter or give up. He will view his illness as just another challenge to prove he is invincible.

I believe him...

Lan Powers
05-05-2005, 05:44 PM
Is there anyone set up yet to coordinate donations? I can't come to the seminar, but I would like to give (many here probably would also).

If Jun would post this info as it comes available, I would expect some cash to flow in the proper direction.

I am sorry to hear of his illness, keep us all posted.

Dennis Hooker
05-06-2005, 07:54 AM
Our lawyer friends at the Tallahassee Dojo are looking into the establishment of a trust fund with a local bank. More will be forthcoming.

Kevin Sparkman
05-07-2005, 09:42 PM
Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to write you a quick note and say
how touched I am with the outpouring of love, support
and prayers I'm receiving from my dear friends.

You are all very special people and I am very fortunate to
be surrounded by you, regardless of distance.

I'm feeling much better the last few days! Prayer, meds. and my
diet are doing a great job of relieving my symptoms! My dizziness,
double vision, facial numbness and especially hiccups and trouble breathing are back to almost normal.

Please continue to pray for intervention on my behalf as I know
that all of this is in God's hands!

I have had an MRI, PET and MRS scan. They have scheduled a
radiation treatment for the 17 but we're not sure until we meet with
the doctors and discuss the situation. I have an appointment on
the 16th but want to have a meeting before then. I'll write to update my friends about the situation as I learn more. Please forgive the mass nature of the letters. It would be impossible for me to write a personal letter to each of you. I am touched by so many great people! It's overwhelming!

Thank you all again for your incredible concern and support, and especially your prayers!

Take care and I hope to see you all very soon!

With Love,

05-08-2005, 12:38 AM
I have had an MRI, PET and MRS scan. They have scheduled a
radiation treatment for the 17 but we're not sure until we meet with
the doctors and discuss the situation. I have an appointment on
the 16th but want to have a meeting before then. I'll write to update my friends about the situation as I learn more.

Best of luck with it. I'll be praying you beat it.


Bryan Webb
05-10-2005, 02:36 PM
Chiseled Stone YES, Warrior YES,
You need to add patience and compassion to the list.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
