View Full Version : Yoseikan Budo
09-02-2004, 11:06 AM
Does anyone do or have seen Yoseikan Budo? I am not talking about traditional Yoseikan aikido or karate but this new style that has come out of France. From what I understand there is no more Yoseikan karate, Yoseikan aikido, judo and iaido but rather one system which has elements of all these martial arts with some boxing and kick boxing thrown in.
phil farmer
11-15-2004, 08:04 AM
I know a good deal about Yoseikan Budo as you have described it. What many consider to be Traditionial Yoseikan was the creation of Minoru Mochizuki, starting in 1931 in Shizuoka, Japan. In 1951, Minoru Sensei went to Europe and introduced (with O Sensei Ueshiba's permission) aikido to the Europeans. In 1963, after the death of a French instructor, Minoru Sensei sent his son, Hiroo Mochizuki (who had been uchideshi to O Sensei in the late 50's) to replace the instructor and Hiroo Mochizuki has been there since that time.
Before the last 20 years or so, what Minoru Mochizuki practiced was called Yoseikan because that was the name of the school. Yoseikan meaning the place where what is true is taught. Only much later was the designation of the art given as Yoseikan Budo. During his time in France, Hiroo Mochizuki discovered what his father discovered during the 1951 trip, that aikido did not work so well against every attacker and in every situation. Hiroo Sensei, like his father, discovered that he needed other skills to be capable in all situations and he began putting all of the martial skills together into one system.
In 1958 Minoru Mochizuki charged his son, Hiroo, with the responsibility of finding the underlying principles that would unite the various martial arts he had been working on, Shotokan, Judo, Aiki, Iai, Kenjutsu (the last two from the Katori Shinto Ryu style). This was Hiroo Sensei's goal and in the last 20 years he has developed several principles that began to unite these various martial arts.
Initially, Hiroo Mochizuki had his system blocked out into the various areas you described and awarded rank based on skills in each one. In the last few years, Master Hiroo decided that the system should be just that, one system, so he has done away with areas of specialty and gone to ranking in Yoseikan Budo. The one exception are the skills of Bajutsu, the archery, lance throwing and sword skills from horseback, which, while using the basics of Yoseikan, are very specialized (as you can imagine).
Two things that you should be aware of. This summer, in a long talk with Master Hiroo, he explained to me that his father's work should really not have been called a style of aikido but should have been called a "soft jiujitsu", this because of the very martial approach Master Minoru always took. That was in fact, one of the reasons he developed Yoseikan; he thought several of the martial arts, including aikido, were becoming less and less effective and less and less realistic. The other thing to be aware of is that just a few years ago, Minoru Sensei had moved to France to live with Hiroo. During his watching workouts, Minoru told his son Hiroo that he had finally found the principles to unite the art. It is now one system, there is no traditional branch. Everything Minoru ever did is contained withing the Yoseikan Budo system and more is added including elements, as you noted, of kick boxing, western boxing and tai chi.
I hope that helps.
Dr. Phil Farmer
Board Member, Yoseikan World Federation
11-15-2004, 09:12 AM
Thanks Phil for answering my questions. I actually first heard about Yoseikan Budo from Roy Hebden its technical head in Australia. Roy was originally a Yoseikan Karate teacher who went to France to learn under Hiro and Mitchi Mochizuki.
To my understanding, Budo Yoseikan is now separated into two groups - Yoseikan Budo headed by Hiro Mochizuki and Seifukai headed by Tetsuma Mochizuki. Tetsuma continues to teach the older system.
I currently run a school under Yoshiaki Unno Sensei in Perth Western Australia. We are not officially under Yoseikan Budo or Seifukai but Budo Yoseikan Australia. I wonder if there are other Yoseikan groups around the world in similar situations...
Andrew James
11-15-2004, 09:18 AM
Hi Darin,
Yoseikan Budo is pretty popular in France even though the number of students and clubs is relatively small comparing to aikido/judo/karate etc is it very quickly gaining popularity - especially with the younger generation. My local MA shop is run by one of the clubs teachers who told me that his club had over 50 new subscriptions at the beginning of September and he was begging to worry about the size of his dojo!
I was invited to go to an open day about 3 weeks ago and it does seem to be a very all round martial art, using "full contact" techniques from kempo, judo and aikido, but also they use sticks (bujutsu???) - which look a bit like baseball bats of three different sizes - small, medium and large (obviously) - and which are made from foam with plastic handles. They are pretty damn tough these 'sticks', and during the demo one poor guy got clobbered so hard that it broke!! :eek:
By the way they DO wear armor - which kind of resembles the stuff that the guys who do Taekwondo use IE: chest pad, helmet, mitts etc etc.
As I said it looks a pretty all round MA but, I have been told that due to the numerous techniques it takes years to master.......but then again so does aikido :p
Dominic Toupin
11-15-2004, 03:45 PM
Those sticks that you refer in are used in competition. In Yoseikan Budo competition, those sticks (combo (small stick), tambo (medium stick) and tchobo (long stick) are used in different event. You have 1 guy with a combo vs 1 guy without, combo vs combo, tambo vs tambo, tchobo vs tchobo and the most spectacular one, tchobo vs 2 tambo. There is a points system and the winner is the one that accumulate the most point in under a period of time. You score a point when you hit your opponent with the stick.
To give an answer to Darin, in Quebec (Canada) we have four different organization affiliated with YWF (Yoseikan World Federation):
Yoseikan Canada (Marc Beaudry Sensei) (Hiroo Sensei, Yoseikan Budo schools)
Canadian Association of Aïkido Mochizuki (Roger Roy Sensei) (Minoru Mochizuki aikido)
International Yoseikan Budo Federation (Patrick Augé Sensei) (Minoru Mochizuki aikido)
Nintai Ryu Aiki Ju-Jitsu (Pascal Serei Sensei) (this organization is only affiliated with YWF)
To give an answer to Andrew, I'm shodan in Yoseikan Budo and you are right. It takes years to master and depending of your sensei's interest, you will be better in jujitsu or judo or karate or aikido. My sensei got is shodan in karate so I'm better in karate. Now, I'm training with a Sensei from Canadian Association of Aikido Mochizuki and another in jiu-jitsu and it is much easier now to learn aiki and jiu-jitsu than when I was in Yoseikan Budo. One of the good thing that I miss from Yoseikan Budo is the competition, It's a unique system and It's a lot of fun.
11-16-2004, 08:36 AM
Thanks for the information Dominic. Here in Australia to my knowledge we have Budo Yoseikan Australia (Yoshiaki Unno), Yoseikan Budo and Yoseikan Karate (Roy Hebden and Steven Wier), Sano-ha Yoseikan Karate (Branko Bratich) and Seifukai (Ross Taylor).
If Yoseikan Budo is fun I am in!
Dominic Toupin
11-16-2004, 11:59 AM
Check if you want to know more about the unique form of competition in Yoseikan Budo
phil farmer
11-16-2004, 12:38 PM
I want to correct one small error in what is otherwise a great response. The seifukai, while claiming to represent the older (Minoru) Mochizuki's art, were denounced by Minoru Sensei himself. He asked all his instructors to follow Hiroo Mochizuki and those of the seifukai declined, which infuriated Minoru Sensei. His son that is associated with the Seifukai does not practice martial arts, he is the honorary president of the organization and to anyone's knowledge has not practiced Yoseikan in many years. Otherwise, the information is very good and pretty accurate. Dominic, welcome to Yoseikan and come see me in Texas sometime. I promise a good workout.
Phil Farmer
Dominic Toupin
07-30-2008, 09:22 AM
Very old thread but I made a mistake in my previous post :
International Yoseikan Budo Federation (Patrick Augé Sensei) is obviously not affiliated with YWF...
07-30-2008, 11:43 AM
Very old thread but I made a mistake in my previous post :
International Yoseikan Budo Federation (Patrick Augé Sensei) is obviously not affiliated with YWF...
No problem, thanks for reviving it - just really learned about this style the other day when I didi a Wiki search on the various schools of Aikido.
Cool that they can have can be fun. :)
01-09-2009, 04:07 PM
good to hear from other yoseikan followers, we in scotland still follow the values of minoru mochizuki,via henri,d,plee france and vernon bell gt.britain from the early 1950, good to hear from you all and all welcome to train with us if you are ever in scotland.
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