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07-16-2004, 07:07 AM

Is anyone there who have heard something about Masakatsu-bô jutsu?

the masakatsu-bô jutsu was teach by O-Sensei as the "stick of aïkido". I know that the jô is more used than bô in the aïkido, but it is only the bô who gives to an aïkidoka the right position of the feet and all the body...

The scroll with the techniques of Masakatsu-bô jutsu was given to Hikitsuchi senseï... about at the end of the 50's..

07-16-2004, 09:48 AM
I think that kata is domonstrated on one of Hikitsuchi senseis tape. To learn it you'd have to get it from the tape or find one of his students like Clint George sensei (rokudan).

Fred Little
07-16-2004, 11:14 AM
Persons interested in this material, at least in the United States, should probably take a look at this:


Hope this helps,

Fred Little

08-06-2004, 01:57 AM
I can't tell you much about masakatsu bo-jutsu, other than it helped me a lot to understand empty handed aikido too.
as you have mentioned it is a good method to find an understanding of angles and correct body postures. though in the beginning it felt very strange 'cause there isn't a direct link to empty handed techniques.
to learn it from the tapes though is a bit dangerous, as without a teachers instruction it will probably lead you in a wrong direction...
but if you got the chance to learn it from your sensei, well then go for it.. :)

George S. Ledyard
08-07-2004, 08:55 PM
Persons interested in this material, at least in the United States, should probably take a look at this:


Hope this helps,

Fred Little

The above link is to a site which represents Tom Read Sensei's aikibojutsu. Read Sensei is a Shingu trained teacher in Arcada, CA. He is a genius, in my opinion.

Anyway, he has worked out a bo system which is spiritually much in keeping with the misogi weapons work done by O-Sensei and Hikitsuchi Sensei. Hikitsuchi Sensei, Read Sensei's teacher, actually received a separate certification in bo from the Founder and he in turn did the same thing for Read Sensei.

I have a student who has done a couple of Read Sensei's wildreness retreats and it changed his Aikido completely.