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06-03-2004, 03:39 PM
I'm Leo , from Brazil
I practice Shodokan Aikido , as well as Tomiki Aikido.
I'm a member of ARSA-RIO ( Tomiki Ronin Shodokan Aikido of Rio de Janeiro , Brazil )
We are afillited to JAA-USA ( Japan Aikido Association ) and Tomiki Ronin New York .
I'm a yellow belt student , and I hope to make new friendships in the "Aikiweb.world" :cool:

We aikidokas , must be only one group . Independing of the style you practice , we all practice for the same reason.

Hope to receive messages from you guys :)

By the way,
I have ICQ , add me ! the num. is 172486782
And my Assn HP is :: www.shodokanaikido.com.br ::

06-03-2004, 04:46 PM
Hi Leonardo,

Welcome to the AikiWeb Forums and thank you for your introduction!

-- Jun