View Full Version : Jo-Bokken Kata

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05-12-2004, 02:34 AM
Hi everyone!

Does anyone really know any good sites where I can find Jo-Bokken Kata movements for Kata 22, 31 and 8 ?


05-12-2004, 04:00 AM
Whose kata are you after. I dont know who invented the 22 or 8. The 31 was invented by Saito Sensei, although i believe other shihan have also adopted there own version. You will learn very little from pics and words without regualr instuction by some one who can teach it

05-12-2004, 08:38 AM
Try this: http://www.ki-shin-tai.de/, looking for "Video Clips".
For me, they are the best jo-bokken videos I have found for learning.(thank you Thomas Podzelny).

05-12-2004, 09:11 AM
That the weapons your after blackpigeon. Very good site and the bodyform in the movies is very good. These are the suburi left by Osensei so you could do a hell of alot worse and not study these plus saitos katas

George S. Ledyard
05-12-2004, 01:07 PM
Hi everyone!

Does anyone really know any good sites where I can find Jo-Bokken Kata movements for Kata 22, 31 and 8 ?


For a non-Iwama style approach to jo and bokken see Ikeda Sensei's Buki video which is jo against sword.

Buki Video (http://www.bujindesign.com/video.html#buki)

05-12-2004, 01:40 PM
Hm.... we do 22 jo kata in ki-aikido.... :straightf

I've heard of 31 and 13 jo kata....but 8 jo kata... :confused: ...I've never seen or heard of it (or maybe I did but wasn't able to recognize it) :sorry:

BTW here's the link to some web site containing a detailed 22 jo kata.... (hope it works):

05-12-2004, 03:01 PM
Hm.... we do 22 jo kata in ki-aikido.... :straightf

I've heard of 31 and 13 jo kata....but 8 jo kata... :confused: ...I've never seen or heard of it (or maybe I did but wasn't able to recognize it) :sorry:

BTW here's the link to some web site containing a detailed 22 jo kata.... (hope it works):

The 31 Jo Kata cut short with a few changes and additions! But no power!!!!! :(

I hope that when people do it properly in that school they actually have fucus in the strikes in the kata!!!!!


Greg Jennings
05-12-2004, 03:20 PM

The 22 in the clip has very minor differences from the 22 I have seen in other Ki Society dojo. Both, however, are similar to what we call the 31 jo kata. Just to hazard a guess, I'd say the 8 jo kata is similar to what we call the 13 jo kata.

If I remember it all, we have 20 jo suburi, 31 and 13 jo kata, partner practices for both of them, 10 additional jo vs jo partner practices, 7 jo vs ken partner and a bunch of drills that help introduce the aforementioned.

I think doing the partner practices vigorously really aids one's aikido.

That said, I think a lot of people that practice aikido should spend some time doing kendo and/or BJJ.


05-12-2004, 04:07 PM
.....But no power!!!!! :(
:confused: (.....doesn't the power depends on the person performing the kata? )

I hope that when people do it properly in that school they actually have fucus in the strikes in the kata!!!!!
Where I train, we practice this kata both solo and with a partner holding a bokken.... (if that's what you mean)...


05-12-2004, 05:12 PM

Where I train, we practice this kata both solo and with a partner holding a bokken.... (if that's what you mean).


I mean that there is a huge difference between doing the movements and placing, AND executing the movements and striking!!!!!!!!!

The later has "Ki" - ENERGY, the first does not!!!!!


05-12-2004, 06:51 PM

I mean that there is a huge difference between doing the movements and placing, AND executing the movements and striking!!!!!!!!!

The later has "Ki" - ENERGY, the first does not!!!!!



I know what ki is. I practice ki aikido. :rolleyes:
I just didn't understand what you meant by "focus"....