View Full Version : Introduction - Rodrigo
04-28-2004, 04:45 PM
Hello everyone, my name is Rodrigo Rubio, I´m from Mexico city and I´ve been practicing aikido for a year now. It started for me as a sport and by now it´s a way of living... at this dojo aikido is new so we are only 2 students! We hope that soon we will be more. We are affiliated to the Mexican Aikido Federation so we present the exams there, also we can practice at the federation dojo every Saturday so we get to practice with other Uke. I´m looking froward to learn more and more at this forum.
Hi Rodrigo,
Bienvenidos! I've never been to Mexico City but I hope to some day. Thank you for your introduction!
-- Jun
04-29-2004, 08:29 AM
Welcome Rodrigo,.. keep your way on Aikido training!...
Es siempre agradable ver gente de latinoamerica en este espacio!
Hi folks,
Don't forget that there's a specific Spanish language section here at the AikiWeb Forums for folks who wish to communicate about aikido in that language:
(There's also sections for Japanese, German, French, and Portuguese, too...)
-- Jun
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