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03-17-2004, 09:46 PM
Amos Lee Parker Shihan, in conjunction with Aikido Yoshinkan Sacramento, invites you to a three day workshop to be held Friday, September 17 through Sunday, September 19 at Keller's Martial Arts in Houston, Texas. In addition to the Yoshinkan only sessions, we will also have two open sessions for all Aikido and other Martial Arts students who wish to join us for training.

All interested parties are welcome to come observe and join us during the open sessions. Workshop details can be found at :
http://www.seikeikan.com/houston.htm. You may also e-mail the dojo at: info @ seikeikan . com.

Please put the words "Yoshinkan Aikido Clinic - Houston" in the subject field to avoid having your e-mail deleted by our spam blocker.

We hope to see you all at the dojo.

Steven Miranda, on behalf of Amos Parker Shihan
Aikido Yoshinkan Sacramento

09-20-2004, 02:04 PM
I'd like to send a very special thank you to Mr. Tom Dinklage of Precision Karate, who hosted our event. Dinklage Sensei not only allowed us to use his facility, he cancelled his weekend classes so that we could have exclusive use of his dojo. A wonderful facility to use I might add.

I also want to thank our aikido brothers from the AAA who took time out of their busy schedules to join us for some fun. Especially to Sensei Zeljko Jericevic, Tumbleweed Aikikai, and Sensei Patrick Price, Houston JuJitsu Academy, who invited me and my students to teach and practice with them the night before the clinic.

Of course, many thanks to the Yoshinkan practicioners that came from around North America to participate. We all had a great time.

Hope to see you all next year as well.

Steven Miranda, Chief Instructor
Aikido Yoshinkan Sacramento
Seikeikan Dojo (IYAF)

09-20-2004, 02:27 PM
Hi Steven,

Sounds like a successful event, indeed! Congratulations, and I hope you're able to exceed this year's event next year!

-- Jun

09-20-2004, 03:05 PM
I regret that not I nor anyone from my group was able to participate due to a major seminar scheduled the same weekend in Austin, but I trust you found Houston appropriately as warm as the hospitality.

next year hopefully.


09-20-2004, 04:01 PM
Hi Craig,

Sorry we missed you. And yes, Houston was a triffle bit warm, and humid. :) But well worth the time. The people we encountered were great too.
