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01-05-2004, 07:28 PM
Hello dear people,

I've written a small article on how energy plays a role in spiritual awakening, you can read it at http://xoalin.2ya.com/innerstrengths.htm


- Jop den Daas

John Boswell
01-08-2004, 09:31 AM
Hey Jop!

I read your articles. Very interesting read. I have a couple questions for you though:

Did you come to your conclusions through meditation only or was a martial art involved?

Do you practice aikido? If so, how long and how has it effected your spiritual growth?

And just out of curiosity, because I really want to know:

Do you feel you are the first to come to these spiritual realizations? Are you following up on someone elses and realized the same another person(s)?

I have read from authors that have come to your conclusions and it could be argued that you are repeating things you've heard somewhere else. I don't get that feeling from your work, but sceptics might.

Anyhow, keep up your pursuits! You seem to be in a very good place... that's always a good thing.

01-09-2004, 09:29 AM
Hello John (may I call you John?)

"Did you come to your conclusions through meditation only or was a martial art involved?"

Meditations and Astral projections (projecting your conciousness to other locations, I understand that there will be people here that won't believe me, that's okay.)

"Do you practice aikido? If so, how long and how has it effected your spiritual growth?"

It is infact my spiritual side that lead me to Aikido. I just started a few days ago and I trully hope it's a place where I can express my spiritual Self, it's all great so far.

"Do you feel you are the first to come to these spiritual realizations? Are you following up on someone elses and realized the same another person(s)?"

I'm absolutely not the first, after my realizations I have met several spiritual people, including a very advanced shaman, he taugth me allot about what has happend to me and about life it self, it seemed that our experiences and the knowledge we gained from that where alike.

"I have read from authors that have come to your conclusions and it could be argued that you are repeating things you've heard somewhere else. I don't get that feeling from your work, but sceptics might."

I wouldn't lie in such a subject, it's against my morals, I'd rather die than betrai (spelling error?) my morals. Ofcourse there will always be sceptics, I just accept that, they don't have much influence on my life (anymore). In my past they had though, when I was a young boy. It where the sceptics that made me deny my true Self for a long time. But now it was time to wake up :).

"Anyhow, keep up your pursuits! You seem to be in a very good place... that's always a good thing."

Thank you, I wish you too the best of luck and progress in life.


- Jop den Daas