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12-26-2003, 06:00 PM
Good morning/evening to everyone... I've posted a few times here already, mostly in the aikido haiku forum and a bit in the spiritual forum, so it's a wonder that I'm just noticing the introductions page.

My name is Alan Bailey. I'm currently serving in the U.S. Army in S. Korea and an aikidoka at Yongsan Aikikai in Seoul. I'm very new to aikido, but not to eastern philosophy. I'm a philosophy major, and I'll be leaving the military soon to finish my BA in Texas. As for aikido, I've been practicing for about a month and a half at this point and am truly amazed and enthralled with all aspects of it. My mind is almost completely blown after each practice for at least 2 hours... it's amazing being able to learn while completely bypassing the intellect. Anyway, I've taken to study O Sensei's works as well as the Omoto religion because I like to study the roots of things as well as their fruits and branches. Anyway... I hope that serves as an introduction. It's been a pleasure reading and posting on this site. Also, I'd like to send a quick thank you to those responsible for this website. You've done a wonderful job here. Thanks.

:ai: :ki:

12-26-2003, 06:11 PM
I am not a major poster here, but welcome :)

This is a wonderful site, a veritable encyclopaedia of aikido.

12-26-2003, 10:42 PM
Hi Alan,

Welcome to the AikiWeb Forums and thanks for your introduction. Also, thanks for the compliments on the site!

-- Jun

Jeff Tibbetts
12-27-2003, 06:05 AM
I'm a philosophy major, and I'll be leaving the military soon to finish my BA in Texas.
If you're going to be in Austin, I know a philosophy major there by the name of Matt Hearst. Keep an eye out for him and if you see him it would really freak him out to say hi from me. I'm in Iowa, so I'm sure he would be surprised :) Just a longshot, but it'd be worth it.

Adrian Smith
12-28-2003, 05:18 AM
Hi Alan! Welcome to Aikiweb!

Are you training with Rupert Parkinson Sensei on base? If you are, please tell him I said hello!


12-28-2003, 06:16 AM
Hey Alan,

Welcome to Aikido and AikiWeb. If you're heading towards Austin you might want to check out Ross Robertson sensei atStill Poin Aikido (http://www.stillpointaikido.com/) for aikido with a philosophical lean. It's not Aikikai but it never hurts to have a look :D


12-28-2003, 09:38 PM
wow... thanks for the warm welcomes to everyone who's posted replies here. Um... in response... let's see...

Mark, thanks for the kind words... I'm still making my way around the website finding little treats everywhere. It's very nice to meet you... well, you know... e-meet you at least.

Jun, thanks to you for the welcome and again thanks for the really great work on the website. It'll be of great value to me as I progress in aikido and in life.

Jeff, I'll keep an eye out for Mr. Hearst when I'm in Austin. I plan on studying with Birdsong Sensei at Aikido of Austin when I finally make it back there. I'm not a student at UT, though... my university is north of Austin in Georgetown, but I'll definitely keep it in mind when I get there next fall.

Adrian, I actually just briefly made Rupert Parkinson sensei's aquaintence at Susuki Sensei's seminar at Yun sensei's dojo this weekend. I know Joe Bowen sensei and Brian (place last name here) sensei though... they're pretty much the 2 instructors here on base. They're really great guys; it's almost a shame that I'm leaving korea so soon after discovering aikido. This is a great atmosphere in which to learn. In any case, I'll gladly forward the greeting.

Bronson, thanks for the welcome and the suggestion. I'll definitely look into the aikido community in Austin when I get there. I'll be piddling around in Nashville during the spring and might go to Europe the spring after that where I'll be looking to broaden my base in aikido training. Right now, I'm really looking for a more traditional foundation for myself as opposed to breaking into a practice where I'm neither familiar with myself as an aikidoka nor the basic techniques of aikido. That program sounds interesting for advanced practitioners, however, thanks again for the suggestion.

:ai: :ki: