View Full Version : Happy Holidays!

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12-20-2000, 09:20 PM
Hi everyone,

I just wanted to wish all of you a safe and happy holiday season. I appreciate all of your thoughts, discussion, and input here in these Forums and hope the new year will bring even more sharing of our aikido experience.


-- Jun

12-21-2000, 06:37 AM
Yeaa! Merry x-mas and hanukka (sp?) and I hope the world's Aikidokas have a really great 2001... and that goes for the rest of you out there as well.

"Be excellent to each other and party on dude!"

Train :ai::ki::do: really hard and you will be rewarded with beeing one with the universe! :circle:

Jakob B

12-21-2000, 08:49 AM
And to you Jun! Everyone stay safe-- let's start a whole bunch of new arguments (or...threads) once everyone gets back from where they're going!!

Happy 1st night of hanukkah everybody :)

The Half-Jew

12-21-2000, 09:55 AM
Just wanted to wish you all a happy holiday as well and I thought it a fitting place to actually introduce myself, being a new member to this forum and to aikido in general <I'm going to my eigth class today>.


12-21-2000, 01:14 PM
Happy Holidays to everyone, and thank you for everyone's contributions! Thanks especially to Jun for providing and maintaining Aikiweb!

12-21-2000, 01:31 PM
Jay, welcome to thwe forum and aikido... hope you enjoy both!

I'd like to second the big THANK YOU to Jun for maintaining this web page and giving me somewhere to ramble ;).

Safe and happy holidays to all,
