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09-22-2003, 09:24 AM
Just got back from the Aiki Expo and wanted to extend my deepest compliments and appreciation to Pranin Sensei for his efforts to give us all an opportunity to meet and train together.

Met some forum members there. Saw some great Aikido. Learned some new things.

A very positive experience. Looking forward to the next one.

Any thought from others?

Joe Jutsu
09-22-2003, 11:05 AM
sounds like a good time!

Just out of curiosity, where was the aiki expo, and how many styles were represented?



09-22-2003, 01:34 PM
Just out of curiosity, where was the aiki expo, and how many styles were represented?
Check out Aikido Journal for the line-up. I am sure that not all styles and affiliation were represenated, but felt it gave a good cross-section. The orgranizer (Sensei Stan Pranin) has always been open to input and requests. If you see something lacking, drop him and line and see if you can make a suggestion. No event is perfect and politics do abound that can color any event.

It was in Las Vegas this past weekend (9/19-21). 2.5 days, 72 workshops, and 28 demonstrations.

Again, it was great.

09-22-2003, 05:41 PM
I just got back from the Aiki Expo myself, too. It was good to see you again, Lynn.

Overall, I had a good time. I'll see about writing up a review once I get a bit of rest...

-- Jun

09-23-2003, 11:01 AM
It was in Las Vegas this past weekend (9/19-21). 2.5 days, 72 workshops, and 28 demonstrations.

Again, it was great.
and every part of my body is sore.

my ribs are tender, my spine is sore, ,my forearms have lots of tender parts. my legs are fatigued, and don't talk about my abdominal muscles :freaky:

it was great !


Memorable quotes,

during the first Systema class when we were doing very slow pushups as a breathing exercise, in the midst of grunts, VV often says "it's gooud for you, yes" (Russian accent and half smile)

During Ellis Armdur's Art of Ukemi Class,

"okay guys, don't go butch on your partner"


when we were falling on our forearms,

"it's the cult of Ellis!"
