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07-22-2003, 03:13 PM
Hi all, Hope this post finds you well!

A short introduction, my name is James, I used to practice Aikido but for the last 2 years I've been studying Yang Style Taijiquan.

I've always had an affinity for the Aikido world since you held my first steps into the martial arts world! Because of this, and because you all seemed like nice people while I was reading the messages I figured I'd sign up!

Well that was one reason, the other is that I like talking to other martial artists but find most of the Tai Chi world annoying. Unfortunatly most of what is taught as Tai Chi these days (esp, though no exclusivly, the Yang style) is garbadge! and so finding a forum with people who practice the 'real deal' is pretty hard going.

Anyway, like I said, more than the above reason I signed up because I like Aikido and have found most of it's students to be of high Moral caliber!

So, with great respect to you all and your art I say, Hi all, hows things? :)

p.s. Thanks to Akiyama-san for sorting out my account, all my fault I must say but still, thank you very much! :)

Anders Bjonback
07-22-2003, 04:27 PM
You do tai chi? I took a class in tai chi. I think it's the yang style. My teacher always stressed that tai chi is a martial art, and he doesn't want us to think that this is "California tai chi." Nor did he like people who turned push hands into a wrestling match.

I quit tai chi, though, because I don't feel like I'm experienced enough to keep it separate from my aikido. When I do feel more confident, though, or when taking tai chi does not mean taking up aikido time, I'll probably get back into it. Perhaps we can talk about the two arts.

Anyway, welcome!

07-22-2003, 05:10 PM
It sounds like you were lucky enough to find a quality instructor! It's unfortunate that there aren't enough to go around!

I've always been a firm believer that people will find an art which seems to 'fit' them perfectly!

I know the feeling of trying to practice 2 together though! though at a higher level I'm sure both arts (like all martial arts) become very similar, tho at the moment I don't think I'd be able to do two at once! I have enough trouble with one!

Thanks for the welcome! I'd be more than happy to discuss both arts with you!

07-22-2003, 05:11 PM
Hi James,

Welcome to the AikiWeb Forums and thanks for your introduction!

-- Jun

Choku Tsuki
07-22-2003, 08:27 PM
James and Anders [are you the same person?],

I'm feeling so much love I'm about to puke. Sincerely.


Patrick O'Reilly
07-25-2003, 04:11 PM
Funny you should mention Tai Chi and Aikido together. I took Tai Chi a few years ago mainly because I couldn't find an Aikido school in less than about 100 miles. And I'm glad I took it. I had to make a choice between Aikido and Tai Chi right now. On my list Aikido is first and Tai Chi second. I just joined my new Aikido school a month ago and on the first day I talked to an other student about the two. About how you can use Tai Chi "speed" to practice Aikido. At home when I'm going over technique I will do that to get it burned into my brain then speed up to regular speed.

As a matter of fact that's what I'll be diong this next week since my instructor is at Aikido summer camp. What I've learned the last month is starting to sink in and I don't want to forget it. I figure if I say tenkan at that speed I can build up some leg strength. Then there's basic entrances and bokken work and so on. This is my way of being able to do both.

cindy perkins
07-25-2003, 08:32 PM
I know what you mean about differences in Tai Chi. I was watching a class yesterday, and the instructor "held the ball" so I could almost (really) see the energy between his hands. Some students were trying to do the motion as if they sort of knew what was going on. One of his best students had the motion down, but there was no energy. He was striking a pose, really, not building for a strike.

It's the intense focus that I love in aikido, and I think it's the heart of good tai chi. But I am certainly talking off the cuff, as I have never studied it...

07-25-2003, 08:52 PM
I study both Aikido and Tai Ch with the same Sensei and i think they go beautifully together.

Last night in the dojo , i don't know the name of the technique, i was telling my uke i had trouble feeling her (or anybody's) center. i started playing with my triangle, kind of did a reverse kokyu dosa, made a chi ball & threw it over her shoulder.I could feel the moment i had her and the whole technique was effortless. And given that i've been training 8 months and she's a nidan twice my size, i was pretty impressed with myself.

Patrick O'Reilly
07-26-2003, 06:25 AM
Other than practicing the two toghether I could sit and watch either one for hours. They are both so graceful and poetic but in different ways. I guess that falls into the "art" part of martial arts. To make your body move fluidly looks artistic to me. I would rather go watch either Aikido or Tai Chi than go to a college or professional sporting event.