View Full Version : aikido in/near Traverse City Michigan?
06-26-2003, 12:36 AM
Hey all,
My web searches have proven mostly fruitless in trying to find aikido around Traverse City Michigan. The only hint I've found is mention of a yoshinkan class at the university. Unfortunately neither the instructor's name or contact info is given.
I head up that way a couple times a year to visit family and thought it might be cool to train while there (as the family is pretty boring).
If anybody knows of a class or instructor up that way could you please pass me their info?
06-26-2003, 12:57 AM
Doing a Yellow Pages search has yielded this (|652577|652579&OffSet=0&) and this (|652577|652578&OffSet=1&) both of which leave me with a bad taste in my mouth :straightf There are others that aren't so bad but no aikido to be found :(
06-26-2003, 05:54 AM
Ah Bronson, why not vacation in the Saline area instead and come and visit my dojo :-)
06-26-2003, 10:25 AM
why not vacation in the Saline area instead and come and visit my dojo
Oh you are definitely on the road trip list ;)
06-26-2003, 08:46 PM
Hi Bronson,
There is an Aikido Yoshokai dojo in Traverse City. Here is the information:
NMC Aikido Club
Northwestern College Gym
1701 E. Front St.
Traverse City, MI 49686
Instructor Doug Zernow-sensei
I hope this helps!
06-27-2003, 12:17 AM
Thanks Ross :)
Maybe I can keep myself from being bored silly up there now.
06-27-2003, 07:40 AM
Hey Bronson,
If you're doing a road trip why don't you swing by the Maple Street Y. ;)
06-29-2003, 11:37 PM
If you're doing a road trip why don't you swing by the Maple Street Y.
I will....eventually ;) I'm up on the rotation for teaching Monday nights in July. That leaves me with one night a week without aikido and that's the night I take iaido :rolleyes: It looks like I won't get any free time until August. I definitely want to get together though. I recently received my shiny new Kingfisher bokken and want to put some dents in it...or try to anyway :D
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