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02-19-2003, 11:37 AM
Ok, this ones been bugging me for a week and a half now and I still can't nail it. I've been attempting to preform "Yokomenuchi shihonage, both irrimi and tenkan (sp?)" The hand motions and the upper body movments all seem very natural and fluid but my main problem is footwork. I can't seem to nail down where my feet are supposed to be and where they're supposed to move. I've asked both my sensei and the other shodans at my dojo and each one has a different way of doing the art. I understand you've gotta find your own way for the art to work and that one persons tried and trusted method may not work for the next, but I seem to have run up against a wall. I also realize that it'd probally be pretty difficult to describe where your feet should be but if anyone could help I'd greatly appreciate it!!:confused:

Thanks for listening! :ki:

02-19-2003, 11:58 AM
think of sword cuts - shiho nage replicates a 'block', turn and cut.

i.e. from right hand attacker:

1. cut down, right foot should be forward (off centre line)

2. step through with left foot, extending ukes arm

3. turn hips away from attacker (don't move feet!)

4. cut down (and slide forward on same foot).

tenkan? - I'm not sure if there is such a thing really if you are blending with the attack.


02-19-2003, 12:29 PM
I use the footwork of the exercise ude furi with alternating the feet. For a left side attack while in left hanmi as the arms rise to block (left) and strike (right) the feet move with the arms-i.e. you switch them to right hanmi. The amount of movement depends on the aggressiveness of the attack. Then you turn the hips and step through with the left foot and tenkai to execute the shiho omote. The only difference with ura is you step to the outside with the left foot and tenkan before tenkai. Doshu's new tapes demonstrate this nicely.

02-19-2003, 02:14 PM
Ok, this ones been bugging me for a week and a half now and I still can't nail it. I've been attempting to preform "Yokomenuchi shihonage, both irrimi and tenkan (sp?)" The hand motions and the upper body movments all seem very natural and fluid but my main problem is footwork. I can't seem to nail down where my feet are supposed to be and where they're supposed to move. I've asked both my sensei and the other shodans at my dojo and each one has a different way of doing the art. I understand you've gotta find your own way for the art to work and that one persons tried and trusted method may not work for the next, but I seem to have run up against a wall. I also realize that it'd probally be pretty difficult to describe where your feet should be but if anyone could help I'd greatly appreciate it!!:confused:

Thanks for listening! :ki:
Hi Warren,

Yokomenuchi Shihonage Irimi:

Uke & Nage stand in left hanmi.

Uke attacks with right hand.

As nage counters the strike with their left hand , nage's left foot steps back behind right foot, (more like a half circle to the backside of right foot)

Nage will now been in a right hanmi type stance. Nages right foot then steps(maybe large step to close distance) to the outside left foot of uke. Almost side by side. Left foot follows to be a smidgin in front of right foot.

Nage will still be in left hanmi type stance.

Now you are at the left side of Uke, pivot on the ball of your feet moving your whole body to either face uke, or the direction you just came from, depends on where their balance is.

Tenkan is basically the same but to the outside of attacking arm.

Yokomenuchi Shihonage Tenkan:

Uke & Nage stand in left hanmi.

Uke attacks with right hand.

As nage counters the strike with their left hand , nage's left foot steps back behind right foot, (more like a half circle to the backside of right foot)

Nage will now been in a right hanmi type stance. Nages LEFT foot then steps(maybe large step to close distance) to the outside RIGHT foot of uke. Almost side by side. (The right foot will move infront a smidgin DURING the next pivot.)

Nage will still be in LEFT hanmi type stance.

Now you are at the RIGHT side of Uke, pivot on the ball of your feet moving your whole body to either face uke, or the direction you just came from, depends on where their balance is.

I hope I explained it well enough.

have a try and let me know, Good Luck!!




02-19-2003, 02:54 PM
PERFECT!!!! I see it all now!! it makes sense to use alternating feet between irimi and tenkan! I can't wait to try it now! Thanks so much everyone!

02-19-2003, 02:59 PM
Well, at 3 months nobody is expected to find his own way in the art. At 3 months no-one is expected to understand what he is doing. One is expected to train kihon waza as the teacher shows it. At 3 months one is expected to do it wrong.

Go to the dojo and train :D

02-19-2003, 03:15 PM
Well, at 3 months nobody is expected to find his own way in the art. At 3 months no-one is expected to understand what he is doing. One is expected to train kihon waza as the teacher shows it. At 3 months one is expected to do it wrong.

Go to the dojo and train :D
Heheh Yes Sensei :D

I just wanna get it right the first time, kinda anal like that I guess.:freaky:

02-19-2003, 04:10 PM
There´s nothing wrong in getting it the first time...I´ve seen it happen. But what if not? (most likely scenario) then there´s the second, the third, the fourth....each rep you do counts, none should be wasted.

02-26-2003, 02:21 PM
all so prescriptive! have you ever tried it live against a non aikidoist?

02-26-2003, 02:57 PM
yup, the first time the guy did a little ballet piroette (sp?)out of it. The second time I tightened it up and droped him like 3rd period french =)