View Full Version : 2/23 Ikeda/ Witt/Mizukami/Pranin/Phong in So CA

Please visit our sponsor:

02-03-2003, 05:05 PM
The International Tenshinkai Aikido Federation is sponsoring a one day Seminar with Ikeda Sensei, Witt Sensei, Mizukami Sensei, and Phong Sensei. The seminar is Sunday Feb 23rd at the Westminster Aikikai Dojo at 8562 Westminster Blvd. Westminster, Orange County, Southern California. Training begins at 9 A.M. All styles, levels, and affiliation are welcome. $40

Until again,

02-03-2003, 07:24 PM
I'll be there! Who else is going? I'd like to meet some of you fine folks and train with you. Post here, we can exchange email and/or phone numbers.

02-04-2003, 09:14 AM
There was an error in the subject line, but not the body of the message. Deepest apologies.

Our celebration ceremony is Saturday 2/22, the seminar is Sunday 2/23.

Everyone is welcome to both.

Until again,


02-24-2003, 01:20 PM
Seminar was excellent, inspiring, and well attended. Thanks to everyone.

Until again,
