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Mark Barlow
12-14-2002, 01:32 PM
My primary focus is Japanese Jujitsu but I've kept up with several of my Aikido friends and train with them when I can. Over the past 28 years I've had the good fortune to train with some top-quality instructors and I'm convinced that it helps make me a better Jujitsuka. Anyone visiting the Red Neck Riviera is welcome to visit our dojo in Gulf Shores, Alabama.

Bryan Webb
12-14-2002, 03:56 PM
Barlow Sensei,

I have had the good fortune to train under your supervision and anyone visting Gulf Shores should stop by your dojo and have a great time training with you.

And as another benefit , your a pretty nice fellow.


Bryan Webb

Aikido of Birmingham

12-14-2002, 05:36 PM
Hi Mark,

It's great to have someone here with so much experience in jujutsu! I hope you will be able to share your thoughts on discussions about aikido from your standpoint.

-- Jun

Mark Barlow
12-15-2002, 10:46 PM

Thanks for the warm welcome. I'll try to not to pull down the learning curve too badly. *s*


Are you coming down with Greg Sensei next month for the Winter Camp?