View Full Version : hello all from chicago

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11-28-2002, 03:20 AM
Greetings fellow Aikidoka(?),
Hello from snowy chicago. My name is Aaron and I have been training in aikido for about 6 months and I love it!!! Especially coming from a strong martial arts background (about 19 years on and off) I train under Jean-Luc Moreau Sensei in Daito-Ryu Aikibudo Jujitsu Tai Sabaki. Any way thanks for letting me rant and rave!

hope life finds you well,

11-28-2002, 12:35 PM
Hi Aaron,

Welcome to the AikiWeb Forums! Thanks for your introduction.

-- Jun

12-05-2002, 10:48 AM
I train under Jean-Luc Moreau Sensei in Daito-Ryu Aikibudo Jujitsu Tai Sabaki
Which line of DR is that?


Randy Pertiet
12-05-2002, 11:54 AM
Which line of DR is that?

For a complete history, check out the website at www.aikibudo.us

Brian Pettit
12-05-2002, 03:11 PM
Hi there from Madison(Oregon) Wisconsin! Not far from you.

12-06-2002, 12:16 AM
Hi there from Madison(Oregon) Wisconsin! Not far from you.
hey there from us "fib"s. How is it up north?

Brian Pettit
12-07-2002, 06:17 PM
Not too bad (meaning not much snow yet).

It is always good to hear from the FIBs!!


12-08-2002, 01:46 AM
Not too bad (meaning not much snow yet).

It is always good to hear from the FIBs!!

yea not too much here either but it sure is cold....hey how's the cheese up there???

Brian Pettit
12-08-2002, 10:04 AM
As tasty as ever...Come on up and have some.

It's better than that FIB cheese. Just kidding!

Stay warm!

12-08-2002, 03:23 PM
no thanks id rather have some corn...its better down here...you stay warm too

12-09-2002, 02:34 PM
As tasty as ever...Come on up and have some.

It's better than that FIB cheese. Just kidding!
Shouldn't that be "FIC?"

Brian Pettit
12-09-2002, 02:55 PM
FIC?....Thats a new one to me.

You do know what a FIB is I hope, Because you are one being from Chi-town and all.

12-11-2002, 12:32 PM
Of course I know what a FIB is, ya silly cheddarhead! :)

Brian Pettit
12-12-2002, 02:08 PM
Aaahhh Jeez,

Da FIBs are gettin' crazy.

Maybe cause da Bears stink so bad.;)

Love ya...call me...kisses:p


12-12-2002, 03:28 PM
ok ok now thems fightin words...so ok the bears are havin a bad season...again..but at least we not a bunch of bandwagoners...cheesehead!!!=p

have your people call my people....we'll do brats and cheese


Brian Pettit
12-12-2002, 06:48 PM
Band wagon?

Band wagon?! What band wagon? I wish I could say that I am a bandwagoner...then I wouldn't have to suffer when the Packers sucked so bad.

So I know your pain!


S.O.S...FIBs gangin up on me! Help! They said that they are going to come up to the Wisconsin Dells for vacation in numbers....Can't stop them and their bad driving! Help!!!

Just kiddin'

Can't do lunch with out BEER!


12-12-2002, 09:51 PM
lunch without beer????I didn't think I had to say it, beer is always there....#two sucked??? they still suck even if they are winning...lol

and why would I want to come to the redneck version of Indiana Beach????...(now thats bad)and so what if my driving is bad at least I get where I'm going...



Brian Pettit
12-12-2002, 10:49 PM
I really don't have any more comments about the Pack. I just wish the Badgers did better this year.

I have no idea what Indiana Beach is but I'll take it as being bad. HOWEVER, you proved my point....every FIB comes to Wisconsin. Even to go to the Dells.

We should have a Border Patrol. I know we will place them at your crappy toll booths!

Then again we love FIB money...



12-16-2002, 12:29 PM
Of course we come to Cheeseland, look at the other states we're surrounded by!

I was even in Milwaukee Sat. night for my company's X-mas party. Not a bad city, even though in about ten to twenty years it will just be another suburb of Chicago.

Of course you love FIB money! And we love your cheese! ;)