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Amin Basri
10-28-2002, 04:11 PM
Hi all,

I watched a Bruce lee show which relates about his life story a couple days back and was fascinated with his art which he named Jeet Kun Do.From your point of view, what differences or specialities does JKD have from the other striking arts such as karate or wing chun .


Kevin Wilbanks
10-28-2002, 07:00 PM
It's a long story, and I'm not sure it's reasonable to ask people here to spoon feed you an education on it. Try using Google. There are plenty of JKD sites with elaborate exposition and even JKD disucssion boards like this one.

10-29-2002, 08:21 AM
I was trained in JKD by Ted Lucaylucay. He's on the family tree so feel free to look it up. Bruce put together a nice combination of WIng Chun and boxing hands, Tae Kwwon Do and Savate kicks, all out of a fencers stance and footwork. His philosophy was much more freeing than the traditional styles. He seemed to want a non-system that would evolve and be individualized not mimiced.

Until again,


11-01-2002, 12:58 AM
If I'm not mistaken, Bruce Lee's first martial art was Wing Chun. From thereon, he went to learn loads of other stuff including aikido.

And get this, when he met up with Kareem Abdul Jaabar (Lew something then) he convinced the guy to leave tai chi (which kareem wanted to learn after already learning aikido) and study jeet kun do with him. Which Kareem did for several years until they had a falling out after shooting Game of Death.

The only art I think Bruce Lee ever praised was Judo. I think because it was more of the newaza then anything else and that the martial artist was his friend who had praised him first. He obviously didn't think much of aikido... but then not many of us do.

06-06-2005, 11:46 PM
He obviously didn't think much of aikido... but then not many of us do.

That's what I think! A lot of people on this site who claim they study aikido are the ONLY people I know that criticize it! Of course...besides the Judo, Juijutsu, Wrestling, and MMA guys! All the Kung Fu, Karate, TKD, boxing, and even Muay Thai people that I know of praise aikido and it's effectiveness and efficiency! I don't understand how someone who knows aikido and is an expert at it can say that it doesn't work! I just can't comprehend that. I also think it's very discouraging for the people who are new to the art, you know? Anywho...that's enough of my venting for today! LOL!

As far as JKD goes and why it's different from other striking arts is because it's not about rank or tradition. It's not about be "hard" or "soft" but having the right balance between the two. It's about blending in with the situation per se rather than having a robotic, traditional approach to fighting like in Karate and Tae Kwon Do. It's also a complete style of fighting as it incorporates all four ranges of combat such as: Punching, kicking, trapping, and grappling. Other traditional striking arts are not complete in that sense. Often...the only grappling techniques they'll have are throws at the most, you know? Another thing that makes JKD different is in the fact that it's about what works for the individual. The one who controls the style and the effectiveness of the style is the individual. That's why some say it's more of a philosophy than a martial art...however...though I know where they're coming from when they say that...the techniques that Bruce Lee incorporated and used in JKD are what make Jeet Kune Do a martial art that is highly effective!

06-07-2005, 12:55 AM
That's what I think! A lot of people on this site who claim they study aikido are the ONLY people I know that criticize it! Of course...besides the Judo, Juijutsu, Wrestling, and MMA guys! All the Kung Fu, Karate, TKD, boxing, and even Muay Thai people that I know of praise aikido and it's effectiveness and efficiency! I don't understand how someone who knows aikido and is an expert at it can say that it doesn't work! I just can't comprehend that. I also think it's very discouraging for the people who are new to the art, you know? Anywho...that's enough of my venting for today! LOL!


The people here who criticize Aikido may practice it, but I'm not sure that they are experts at it ;).

In general, it seems to me that most people criticize it from one of three perspectives, those that have been doing it a relatively short time and don't get out of it what they thought they would, quick enough. Generally they want to use it for instant defence or to fight, thus prefer other arts. Others are those that recognize the qualities of Aikido but perceive small holes here and there and would like to fill them. Finally, those that have no idea what Aikido is or can do and just want to slam it because they think other fighting arts are better.

Personally, I've been doing this for around 13 years now, I love it, I love what I can do with it thus far and I love the potential that it holds for me. Yep, there are still holes in my technique, yep my ability is not up to that of others, but that's not important, it's why I practice. The holes are mine, not the art, the only only criticism of my Aikido should be directed at me :). When Aikido is applied correctly it is as effective as any other art out there when that art is applied effectively.

Kind Regards
