View Full Version : Help needed on this 1965 signed Shuji Maruyama / Koichi Tohei book

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09-26-2018, 09:54 AM
Hello. I was wondering if you guys could help me with this book.

I live near Cleveland, Ohio. I am an antique dealer / amateur historian. I found this book in an estate recently.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I read online that Koichi Tohei sponsored Shuji Maruyama when Maruyama came to Cleveland from 1965-1967. This book is from 1965.

I wonder if it was Maruyama's personal book? It looks like the signature is from someone who was learning English and/or cursive for the first time.

Here are two photos: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9rndo47maumz7r6/aikido4.jpg?dl=0 - https://www.dropbox.com/s/hodxugdp8ds0pp4/aikido5.jpg?dl=0

What do you think? Thank you.

09-27-2018, 01:12 PM
Hello. I will probably only post here a few times, but I submitted a post to the main forum and it never got published. I found a 55 year old Aikido book may have been Shuji Maruyama's and/or Koichi Tohei's that I need help with. Thanks.

09-27-2018, 07:17 PM
Hello. I will probably only post here a few times, but I submitted a post to the main forum and it never got published. I found a 55 year old Aikido book may have been Shuji Maruyama's and/or Koichi Tohei's that I need help with. Thanks.

Okay, what can I do to help? Do you need some aid tracking down a title or publishing information, I take it that the book is in Japanese?

09-28-2018, 02:04 PM
Hello, I posted all of the details that you had asked for, as well as a couple of photos, in my post in the main forum, but for some reason it never got published. Can you see that post or get it published, or should I just repost it all here? Thanks.

09-28-2018, 07:48 PM
Hello, I posted all of the details that you had asked for, as well as a couple of photos, in my post in the main forum, but for some reason it never got published. Can you see that post or get it published, or should I just repost it all here? Thanks.

It's probably best to repost it here.

09-30-2018, 04:53 PM
Ok here is the information again: I am an antique dealer who lives in the Cleveland Ohio USA area.

I know nothing about Aikido or martial arts in general. But I do know books. Recently I found some vintage Tuttle 1960's martial arts books at an estate sale that had belonged to an elderly English professor who had passed away.

As I was going through the books, I noticed that one of the books, "Aikido The Arts of Self Defense," by Koichi Tohei, was signed by a person named Shuji Maruyama.

I read that Maruyama came to Cleveland from 1965-1967. This book is 4th printing, 1965.

The signature looks like that of someone who was just learning cursive English for the first time.

I wonder if this was Maruyama's personal book, perhaps given to him by Koichi Tohei?

What do you think? Thank you.

09-30-2018, 05:38 PM


10-01-2018, 03:06 AM
I have sent an email to Shuji Maruyama Sensei organization the Aikido Kokikai of Rochester (http://www.aikidorochester.com/) asking if they could help you. When I get a reply I will private message you or you can go to thier website and under "Contact Us" send an email to them.



Here is the email for the Aikido Kokikai Federation USA .


10-01-2018, 02:52 PM
:uch: Hi Mr. Meyers. I got a reply from one of Sensei Maruyama's instructors. Below is the email I got.


Thank you for reaching out to us. I'd be happy to contact or be contacted directly by Mr. Meyers. Sensei is still instructing in the states and this very well may be a book of his.

FYI, my dojo is just one of many within Sensei Maruyama's organization, but I am on the board of directors for the Kokikai Federation (www.kokikaiusa.org).

Best Regards,


Aikido Kokikai of Rochester

Chief Instructors:

Brian Martens

Marcella Sarkozy

A member dojo of Aikido Kokikai Federation USA"


I hope this was helpful.

David Skaggs

10-04-2018, 01:01 PM

Thank you. I will email the above email address and see what they think.

jamie yugawa
10-09-2018, 03:21 PM
Ok here is the information again: I am an antique dealer who lives in the Cleveland Ohio USA area.

I know nothing about Aikido or martial arts in general. But I do know books. Recently I found some vintage Tuttle 1960's martial arts books at an estate sale that had belonged to an elderly English professor who had passed away.

As I was going through the books, I noticed that one of the books, "Aikido The Arts of Self Defense," by Koichi Tohei, was signed by a person named Shuji Maruyama.

I read that Maruyama came to Cleveland from 1965-1967. This book is 4th printing, 1965.

The signature looks like that of someone who was just learning cursive English for the first time.

I wonder if this was Maruyama's personal book, perhaps given to him by Koichi

What do you think? Thank you. that was most likely a book someone had Maruyama Sensei sign and not his personal book. Back in the day, people would bring any aikido book (regardless of if the Sensei was the author or not) and have there visiting Sensei sign it. I have a book by Koichi tohei signed by Maruyama koretoshi also.

10-11-2018, 05:18 AM
In 1967 Koretoshi Maruyama decided to become a full time professional Aikido instructor, under the tutelage of the founder of Aikido, Morihei Ueshiba. And delegated his family business responsibilities in Japan. He dedicated himself to the martial art that taught the principles of mind and Ki.
(according to the Aikido Yuishinkai Student Handbook by Michael Williams).
Are Shuji Maruyama and Koretoshi Maruyama the same person?

10-11-2018, 04:03 PM
Are Shuji Maruyama and Koretoshi Maruyama the same person?

No, they are different individuals, both who followed Koichi Tohei in the split from Aikikai, both of whom later broke off from Ki Society to found their own, independant Ki-Aikido organizations: Kokikai by Shuji, Yuishinkai by Koretoshi.