View Full Version : Pending Release of 2nd Revised Edition of HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT

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Ellis Amdur
03-20-2018, 06:47 PM
If you would like notification for pre-Sale when HIPS is released (which will be very soon!), go to EdgeworkBooks (https://edgeworkbooks.com) and use the Contact Form on the left of the page to request email notification. (NOT here). I will, of course post notices once the book is fully released, but first notification for pre-sale will be to those who send me a request as per above.

Janet Rosen
03-22-2018, 10:11 PM
OH CRIMINY that's what I get for trying to follow directions when I'm too tired to. NOT to the left of this page, the left of the LINKED page. (sigh) disregard the PM/email.