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05-30-2015, 11:25 AM
Hi everyone, it's been a while. Over a year, since that time i have failed to be accepted back in to my old dojo, but i have been working steadily at my ba undergraduate degree, now being but a year off graduation. As for the martial arts, yes i still have my own style, and yes i feel comfortable calling myself a dan grade at it. Whilst i appreciate that this will probably upset most of the other black belts on here, who have had unstretched periods of driving their cars to work and the dojos, i have been banned from driving without ever even taking a lesson, so lucky you. And the martial arts clubs i join all seem to kick me out within the year. This is not to my detriment, it is to theirs. namaste

05-30-2015, 02:23 PM
Hi everyone, it's been a while. Over a year, since that time i have failed to be accepted back in to my old dojo, but i have been working steadily at my ba undergraduate degree, now being but a year off graduation. As for the martial arts, yes i still have my own style, and yes i feel comfortable calling myself a dan grade at it. Whilst i appreciate that this will probably upset most of the other black belts on here, who have had unstretched periods of driving their cars to work and the dojos, i have been banned from driving without ever even taking a lesson, so lucky you. And the martial arts clubs i join all seem to kick me out within the year. This is not to my detriment, it is to theirs. namaste

If you have your own style, why settle for a mere dan grade? Surely you can become shihan, kancho, soke, grand master or whatever. Or maybe you have more style than that? Like how Muammar Gaddafi never promoted himself past Colonel.

05-30-2015, 02:43 PM
Hi Joshua, i don't know what do you think 15th dan? uber-grandmaster? but seriously someone on martial talk said that my struggle against paranoid schizophrenia, if successful, is better than any black belt in the world. i think i would like to hold on to that.

06-01-2015, 08:52 AM
Welcome back, and keep striving for inner peace.

06-01-2015, 10:50 AM
Thanks Steven. Inner insight is important isn't it (n'est-pas). However an element of attack comes part and parcel with the martial arts, from cutting swords to karate. Consequently i think that we/you as aikidoka are better placed moving forwards with the times and building these attacks in to your repetoire. I appreciate that this may go against everything you have ever been taught, in which case excuse me. But for me i feel that a martial education is better if it is complete. Is that not what O-Sensei Morihei Ueshiba taught us in his precious life? Didn't he try many different styles out including traditional Jujitsu and maybe even Kendo/po, before creating his style? And wasn't his style a living evolving art? I appreciate that many people in the martial arts, be it Aikido or the net, consider themselves sovereign bastions of a precious field, which is as exclusive as it is lethal. Well sorry to rock your boat. Ban me if you will, god knows i keep on getting banned, yet defeat is not an option. Thanks.