View Full Version : Aikido in SF
This has probably been covered before.. but I would appreciate any help.
There are lots of San Francisco people posting around here, and I have read great things from everyone. Does anyone have any words of advice for me? I have just moved to the city and will begin training again soon.. Robert Nadeau sensei is the head of the division of my former dojo, and I will train at City Aikido as much as I can.. however I don't think I could make it every day. I am living in the Sunset, next to UCSF, and will be working at UCSF.
Shall I try to train at various "part-time" dojos in the area, or does anyone know of any other options?
Thanks for your help. Any recommedations appreciated.
--Jonathan Wong
Deb Fisher
08-19-2002, 11:54 PM
Hey Jonathan,
Miss you and your Aikidoka Mover at AMV. It's great to at least see your electronic presence! Good luck in SF,
Hi! Thanks. Yes I am sure it will be great here.
Due to complications I am not training yet, but I have a couple of places to try.
I hope everything is great over there..
Neil Mick
08-22-2002, 06:10 AM
For what it's worth, I teach Elementary Aikido at SFSU, which is close to UCSF. Classes are Mon & Wed, 3-4 PM, starting in a few weeks.
08-22-2002, 12:43 PM
Options... hmmm.
I keep hearing of new (to me) aikido dojos all over the city; there seem to be lots hidden away in various places.
UCSF -- that's Inner Sunset, right?
Well I remember seeing a dojo in the Outer Sunset, around Taraval and the 30's, I believe. Don't know who they're affiliated with.
There's a dojo in Japantown, there's Suginami in SOMA, there's a judo/aikido dojo in Noe Valley, I think I saw an Iwama style place on Upper Van Ness, and there's City, which you know about. None of them really close to UCSF but none really far either.
I've heard good things about Suginami (formerly Skid Row Dojo) and I think Aleksey may train in J-town; don't know anything about any of the others except City, at which I train.
08-22-2002, 01:04 PM
try these sites too:
I think Aleksey may train in J-town; don't know anything about any of the others except City, at which I train.
I've consistently run into people who hold Hideki Shiohira in high regard. I don't really know my way around those parts, other than City Aikido for a rare visit, but if I were in SF I think I'd pay that man a visit.
I keep hearing of new (to me) aikido dojos all over the city; there seem to be lots hidden away in various places.
We sure ain't Florida.
08-22-2002, 02:50 PM
I've consistently run into people who hold Hideki Shiohira in high regard. I don't really know my way around those parts, other than City Aikido for a rare visit, but if I were in SF I think I'd pay that man a visit.
Neil Mick
08-22-2002, 03:30 PM
Suginami is good; in fact, it was my home dojo until I moved further South.
The best thing to do, of course, is use the Dojo search engine her on-site, then go to several dojos to find the flavor you like the best.
I spent about a year in the San Francisco Bay area without a "home" dojo. I would just go to whichever dojo I felt like training at each night. I doubt this would be very beneficial for complete beginners, though.
There are also many, many seminars that pass through the area that you should take advantage of; it really is a very rich area for aikido.
-- Jun
Thanks for all the replies!
The dojo search on this site has been my main resource so far--in fact, Suginami was the one dojo besides City that my sensei was able to recommend to me.. looking forward to it!
Jun, your response was along the lines of what I was thinking! The only thing is: how do you afford that? I would love to do that because of how much variety of experience I could get, but.. mat fees each time? Most places I have seen are charging like $10 now, so that is like $160 a month!
Yes UCSF is in the inner sunset, and I most certainly love to visit classes at SFSU!
BTW there is a place on the dojo search called Aikido In and it has no affiliation.. I will certainly check it out but does anyone know anything before hand about that place?
Thanks again..
--Jonathan W
Neil Mick
08-24-2002, 12:28 AM
I believe it is Ki Society, but that's all I know.
08-26-2002, 04:42 AM
Actually, last time I checked, all the Bay Area Ki no Kenkyukai Dojo were in the East Bay. After Shiohira Sensei left the style for Aikikai affiliation in the early 90's, the headquarters for the Bay Area Ki Society moved to Berkeley (it currently resides in Albany.)
And speaking of Shiohira Sensei, if you ever get the opportunity to train with him, take it! He's the best instructor and example of Aikido I've ever trained with--you will not be disappointed.
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