View Full Version : Four Day Randori Intensive with George Ledyard

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George S. Ledyard
06-27-2014, 11:01 PM
Friday August 29th - Monday September 1st
George Ledyard, Aikido 6th Dan
4 Days, 7 hrs per day, limit of 20 people

The 2014 four day Intensive will focus on developing an advanced understanding of multiple attacker principles and strategies. This intensive will not have the weapons work of past intensives and will have a tight focus on systematically developing the attendee's randori skills. We will use slow / medium speed flow drills, exercises taken from Systema, reviewing waza skills, and other creative technique to prepare the attendee for any type of Aikido randori. We will practivce empty hand randori, small space randori, hanmi handachi randori, randori against tanto, randori against shibai attack and mixed waepons. An emphasis will be placed on applying "aiki" principles in the empty hand technique to make the practitioner more efficient and effective.

At Aikido Eastside we have been developing this event for almost 25 years. We believe it is unique in its focus and content. Whether a student is attending his first Intensive or has attended many times in the past, it is our experience that he or she will make a substantive jump in level over this weekend. A testament to this fact is that the vast majority of students have come back repeatedly to participate again and again. Students routinely travel from all over the US and Canada for this training and several have even come from overseas.

This training places equal emphasis on the technical and psychological aspects of Aikido and we feel that it is a paradigm shifting experience for the attendees, especially for those who have not attended before.

On-line Info and Registration (http://www.eventsbot.com/events/eb914921576)

The Intensive on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Aikido-Randori-and-Weapons-4-Day-Intensives/113852463483)

George S. Ledyard
08-11-2014, 12:59 PM
There are still a few spots open for the randori intensive. This year is a good time for those folks who have been wishing to attend over the years but didn't feel their weapons work was solid enough. The 2014 intensive will focus solely on traditional Aikido multiple attacker practice. We have had students who have attended every year for many years and they have always found that their skill level took a jump.This is designed to be the most intense training you will do, helping you push your limits. The work is cross style and would be appropriate for folks from various organizations. Historically, we have had students from all over the world attend. We'd love to see some new faces this year.

On-line Info and Registration (http://www.eventsbot.com/events/eb914921576)

08-11-2014, 09:40 PM
I really wish I could attend this year!! Hope to attend future seminars!!!

08-12-2014, 07:30 AM
I really wish I could attend this year!! Hope to attend future seminars!!!

if i am that close, i would be camping out at George's place. before the randori training, my level of suckness was blackhole level. afterward, my suckness has reached orbital level, still suck but at least i could reach escape velocity with more training. ya, go. don't think about it. just go. and send me a postcard afterward.

08-12-2014, 08:18 AM
I highly recommend this extraordinary experience. I have attended a couple of the intensives and I can attest that George has really figured out how to transmit this teaching. I saw everyone's abilities permanently improved by the end of the weekend, including my own. I wish I could make it this time.

Best Regards,


08-13-2014, 11:02 PM
if i am that close, i would be camping out at George's place. before the randori training, my level of suckness was blackhole level. afterward, my suckness has reached orbital level, still suck but at least i could reach escape velocity with more training. ya, go. don't think about it. just go. and send me a postcard afterward.

I agree, only issue is my work schedule getting in the way, otherwise your right...I'd be there!!!!!

George S. Ledyard
08-20-2014, 12:34 PM
We have a few spots still open for the Randori Intensive. So, we have opened up registration to folks who only wish to register for portions of the weekend. Options for two and three day attendance are now available.
On-line Info and Registratio (http://www.eventsbot.com/events/eb914921576)n